Chapter 8

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Laura sat at the back of the rickety bus, her fingers tightly interwoven with Lee's. He was more than just a companion; he was a lifeline in a world turned upside down. As the bus jostled along the deteriorating roads toward Bradfield Park, her mind replayed the tumultuous events that had inexplicably bound their lives together-mistakes, chaos, and miraculous turns of fate.

The bus was a relic, its air conditioning unit long since broken. Each pothole they hit sent a jarring shockwave through Laura's already aching body. But physical discomfort seemed trivial now; she was savouring these fleeting moments with Lee.

Last night had been anything but restful. They'd slept under a makeshift tent, the air heavy with humidity, the earth beneath them as unforgiving as stone. Their only reprieve had been the occasional whisper of a breeze that meandered through the camp. Laura was clad in an oversized shirt distributed by the soldiers, her shorts ripped and no alternatives available.

"Will you stay?" Laura finally mustered the courage to ask.

Lee sighed, his eyes momentarily leaving hers to gaze out the bus window. It was as if he were searching for his answer in the passing landscape, a far-off look clouding his features. "I don't think so," he finally said, his voice tinged with a regret he couldn't quite hide. "I'm stationed out of Windfield."

A twinge of disappointment tightened around Laura's heart, but she forced herself to continue. "How would you get back?" She watched him closely, noting how his eyes seemed to weigh each word before he spoke, as if choosing them from a list of possibilities that could alter both their futures.

"Perhaps a detour through another city," he finally said, his eyes meeting hers once more.

Sensing there was more to his story, Laura ventured further. "How do you know Vanessa, the agent?" Her voice was softer now, almost cautious, as if she were stepping onto uncertain ground.

Lee hesitated, his grip on her hand slackening as the bus navigated another crater in the road. "Pure coincidence. I was checking papers at a commuter station when rebels attacked. Vanessa and I ended up barricaded in a panic room. For days, it was just the two of us, uncertain if help would arrive. The rebels had hostages; one was a politician."

"Did they make it?"

Lee reclined his head, his eyes clouding over. "The rebels had an agenda. They wanted to prove that the government would prioritise that one politician over ten civilians. In the end, it wasn't about numbers but about who you are."

"I thought we were all meant to be equally important, but since I've been in the city it's become evident that's not the case."

"It's the grim reality," Lee said, bitterness creeping into his voice. "Sometimes, there are no good choices, only less terrible ones. We had a plan, but a phone call changed everything. We weren't given the option to act."

"But a phone call? How could they know the situation?"

"Orders are orders. There was disagreement, but ultimately, it wasn't my call or Vanessa's. She made the choice for me."

"Is it normal for you to work with the agents?"

"No, it's not," Lee admitted, his voice dropping even lower, as if he were sharing a secret. "Vanessa has, in a way, made me her project. I never wanted this life. I joined the military for my parents. She told me to accept my fate, but also hinted that if I fulfill my contract, other paths might open up."

The bus lurched to a halt, snapping them out of their conversation. They had reached Bradfield Park Station, signalling the end of their journey. Soldiers began herding passengers off the bus.

The Agency - Operation Delta (Part II)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant