Chapter 14

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Vanessa's journey through the dense bushland stretched over several days, distancing her from the familiar roads now patrolled by military aircraft. Despite deviations from her planned route, Vanessa's memory of the maps ensured she remained aware of her general location. To the north, the haze of bushfire smoke lingered, yet the weather had shifted; a cool rain had fallen that morning, offering a brief respite.

Driven by a sense of urgency, Vanessa forwent sleep, navigating the terrain by day and night to advance her mission. The fear of capture loomed large, threatening to derail her efforts before they could truly begin. The darkness of night became a familiar sight, her eyes quickly adapting, and her sharp hearing became an invaluable ally.

However, as the days passed, symptoms of her virus intensified. It started with persistent sweats, escalating to chilling fevers and laboured breathing. Her fingers, tinged blue, signalled the severity of her condition, and episodes of fainting interspersed her journey. Hallucinations plagued her, blending visions of past missions with the faces of rebels and protestors, adding a surreal layer to her ordeal.

On a bright, sunny afternoon, Vanessa emerged into a clearing and saw an overgrown park before her.

In the distance stood an old building—a public toilet. Wasting no time, she sprinted towards it.

From the building, Vanessa took the opportunity to survey her surroundings. The nearby multilane highway stretched out before her, a desolate ribbon of asphalt marred by potholes, evidence of long disuse. It snaked towards a bridge that, according to her map, spanned the final body of water before reaching Windfield, still days away on foot.

Despite the bridge offering a direct path, its long, exposed stretch presented an insurmountable risk. With no cover, a passing aircraft would easily spot her. Vanessa's worsening respiratory symptoms further complicated matters, making the prospect of swimming perilously unfeasible.

Indecision gripped Vanessa for a moment before she made her choice, dashing across the deserted highway and quickly taking cover behind the trees. The sight of the vast, unused road was surreal. Here, beyond the city walls, nature had begun to reclaim its territory.

Reaching the water's edge, Vanessa's attention was drawn to a small boat in the distance, its engine audible but its occupants barely visible. Across the water, where she expected to find a small fishing community, there was only an indistinct blur of cliffs and trees. This place was supposed to be the last community town area before the city. Her initial plan had been to avoid any populated areas, but her worsening symptoms forced a reconsideration of her strategy.

She had not strayed from her intended path, yet the presence of the boat suggested she was missing something. The need for medical assistance was becoming urgent. Sneaking into the village to find a pharmacy or medical centre seemed increasingly like a viable, though risky, option. She knew it would be a gamble, navigating an unfamiliar town while searching for something – anything – that might alleviate her condition.

Vanessa steeled herself before plunging into the water, diving deep to remain undetected. Under normal circumstances, her exceptional ability to hold her breath—a gift inherited from her mother—would have made the swim manageable. She moved with deliberate calmness, conserving energy, a task made challenging as her body resisted every stroke.

Midway to the shore, hallucinations emerged once more. This time, she envisioned her mother swimming towards her, a sight she immediately knew to be impossible. Overcoming these illusions demanded significant mental strength, yet she persevered, propelled by an unwavering will to survive.

Her lungs eventually rebelled, demanding air, and she surfaced, only to be met with a violent cough. Breathing became a battle; each cough expelled blood into the water, her chest tight with pain. As she struggled to stay afloat, the boat seemed to move towards her, its occupants reaching out to help.

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