Chapter 15

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Monday couldn't come fast enough for Laura, a refreshing dive back into routine after a weekend that had felt like a marathon of social gymnastics. She wasn't one for the limelight, and Melanie's efforts to play cupid, especially with a cringe-worthy attempt to nudge her towards a date, still echoed awkwardly in her mind.

To Laura's surprise, Melanie popped up at her apartment before work that morning, armed with the promise of coffee and company on their way to the office. Laura never got the hype about coffee—it always tasted like bitter regret to her—but Melanie treated it like a sacred morning elixir, much the way others revered their evening cocktails.

Holding her coffee more as a gesture than for enjoyment, Laura strolled beside Melanie along a pathway bordered by meticulously kept gardens and ornamental maple trees that seemed to boast their splendour with every step they took.

Melanie, ever the social detective, broke the comfortable silence between them. "You and Adam seemed pretty cozy the other night. Is there going to be a round two?"

"He's my trainer," Laura replied, her tone flat, hoping to stamp out any spark of rumour before it caught fire.

Undeterred, Melanie's grin widened. "Gotcha. Well, don't worry, next weekend we're expanding your horizons—new faces, new vibes. And hey, trainer or not, Adam's still fair game," she teased, giving Laura a nudge.

"I'm just looking to make friends right now. Plus, there's someone back in Windfield I'm interested in."

Melanie halted, guiding Laura to a quieter spot near the entrance of their building. "Look, Laura, going back to the city isn't an option. Long-distance isn't really our thing, but we'll talk about that another time. This morning, I needed to catch you before work to update you on something important. Over the weekend, I got word that they're pushing to get your story out there as soon as possible. I'll be right by your side, but you'll need to stick to the script. Everything's been prepped for you."

Laura sensed the world tilting beneath her, caught off guard by the revelation. "What do you mean my story's already prepared?"

"Exactly that. It's all set, which means you can just focus on the filming part."

"But that's not my story. They weren't there," Laura protested, the reality of the situation beginning to sink in.

"It's the version they want aired, Laura."

Laura's lips tightened. "I don't want to do this," she confessed, the dread clear in her voice. The thought of recounting a narrative not her own, scripted by someone else, felt deeply unsettling.

"Laura, I'm right here with you. But this is something you have to do. Letting down the Head of Government isn't an option."

With a sense of resignation, Laura trailed Melanie into the bustling building. The usual workplace buzz surrounded them—groups of people clad in business attire chatting and laughing as they navigated the corridors adorned with striking paintings and vibrant potted plants at every turn.

Their path led them across an internal bridge that spanned a stunning atrium, allowing a glimpse of the lush greenery outside.

However, as they stepped into an event hall, Laura felt a knot of apprehension form in her stomach. The room had been transformed into a makeshift studio, complete with two chairs set against a stark backdrop, awaiting an interview. The array of professional lighting and camera equipment hinted at the seriousness of the occasion. Yet, it was the presence of several individuals in suits—each carrying an air of significance—that truly heightened Laura's sense of unease. The setup, intended for her to share her story, suddenly felt more daunting than she had anticipated.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 07 ⏰

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