Chapter 13

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Laura shifted in her seat, the woven plastic chair clinging to her skin. She found herself distracted by the towering ferns that lined the glass wall of the café, their lush greenery a stark contrast to the urban jungle outside. They reminded her of the rainforests she had only ever seen in movies.

The waiter set down her iced lemon, lime, and bitters, and she eagerly took a sip, the cold liquid offering a brief respite from the oppressive heat. It was only when she caught Melanie's amused gaze that she realised she had nearly drained half the glass in one go. "This place is nice," Laura began, trying to regain her composure, "but it feels like a sauna in here."

Melanie chuckled, her eyes twinkling with understanding. "I thought you might appreciate the ambiance. It's reminiscent of the north." She took a delicate sip of her own lemonade, her gaze thoughtful as she studied Laura. "How did your counselling session go?"

Laura hesitated, searching for the right words. "It was... insightful." She paused, her thoughts drifting to her family. "And dad's doing better. He might be discharged soon, but the police still haven't found any leads."

Melanie's expression softened. "I'm glad to hear he's recovering. And I trust the police are doing their best." She leaned in slightly, her tone shifting from casual to concerned. "You missed your training session at the gym this morning. Everything alright?"

Laura sighed, her fingers playing with the condensation on her glass. "I overslept. Adjusting to this new routine is harder than I thought. Can we maybe remove the gym sessions? I'd rather have some time for my art."

Melanie raised an eyebrow. "Your schedule was curated by the committee. It's not just about fitness, Laura. It's about integration, meeting people, building networks." She smiled, a hint of mischief in her eyes. "I met Tyler at the gym. He corrected my form once, and now we share an apartment."

"We didn't have gyms in Orange Hill. Everything was so... different."

Melanie nodded, understandingly. "Living here is a privilege, Laura. With it comes responsibilities. We embrace our schedules, attend our activities, and strive for excellence."

Laura's focus wandered to an air inlet near the ceiling, her mind grappling with the enormity of her new life. "I understand," she murmured, though a part of her yearned for the simplicity of Orange Hill.

Melanie followed Laura's gaze, a smile playing on her lips. "You've noticed the inlet. This café is unique. The air here is unfiltered, directly from the outside. It's our little slice of nature in the heart of the city."

Laura looked at Melanie, intrigued. "You always point out these little details. Why?"

Melanie leaned back, her eyes distant. "I grew up in an older city. Discovering these modern marvels, these hidden gems, it's like a daily adventure for me." She paused, her gaze refocusing on Laura. "Speaking of adventures, we're planning to film you sharing your story. It's important for morale."

Laura's heart raced. "Film me? I'm not sure... People already talk about me enough. I don't want to draw attention to myself. I still have dreams about the enemy soldiers."

"That's why you have a councillor, and you don't need to be afraid here." Melanie reached out, placing a reassuring hand on Laura's. "You're safe here, Laura. Anika, our AI, ensures that."

Laura frowned, "Anika? Can she see everything?"

Melanie hesitated, her eyes darting around before leaning in. "There are places outside her view, but it's not something we discuss openly."

Laura felt a chill, memories of the past flooding back. "I just want to feel safe," she whispered. The lush greenery outside seemed more like a barrier now, a reminder of the world she had left behind and the controlled environment she now inhabited.Top of Form

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