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In the comfort of Max's hotel room, Ahri and Max found themselves sleeping peacefully. Exhausted from the excitement of the race and the day's events, they snuggled into each other's arms, seeking the warmth and comfort of each other's presence.

Ahri lay her head on Max's chest, listening to the steady rhythm of his heartbeat. The gentle rise and fall of his chest as he breathed in and out lulled her. Max's arm wrapped protectively around her, holding her close as if he never wanted to let her go.


As Ahri slowly stirred awake, she found herself nestled in the warmth of Max's embrace. The soft morning light filtered through the curtains, casting a gentle glow across the room. It was one of those perfect moments when everything felt right, and the world outside seemed to fade away.

The faint scent of his cologne still lingered in the air, a comforting reminder of his presence.

She turned her attention to Max, who was sleeping peacefully beside her. His dark hair was tousled, and a slight smile played on his lips as he dreamed. Ahri couldn't help but admire him in this vulnerable state, appreciating the moments when he could relax and let his guard down.

With a soft sigh, Ahri pressed a gentle kiss to Max's chest, savouring the warmth against her lips. She snuggled closer to him, resting her head on his chest, feeling the steady rhythm of his heartbeat. It was a comforting sound that reassured her, making her feel safe and loved.

As Ahri lay there, she felt Max's fingers softly playing with her hair. a pleasant sensation that made her smile. She lifted her head to meet his gaze, only to be met with a sweet forehead kiss.

"Breakfast?" Max whispered his voice husky with sleep.

"Hmm," Ahri replied, her heart filled with affection for the man lying beside her. Max leaned in and placed a lingering kiss on her lips, gently waking up.

Max then phoned room service and dragged Ahri out of bed. With breakfast on its way, Max and Ahri took a moment to freshen up before they could enjoy their meal together. They stood side by side in front of the bathroom sink, both reaching for their toothbrushes.

Max occasionally glanced at Ahri, who was focused on her reflection, a smile tugging at the corners of her lips as she hummed a soft tune. The simple act of sharing this everyday activity with Max felt surprisingly special.

Finishing their morning routine, they rinsed their mouths and washed their faces. Max turned to Ahri, a mischievous glint in his eyes. "Now that we've both brushed our teeth, it's only fair to kiss, right?" he teased, leaning in.

Ahri giggled, playfully pushing him away. "Breakfast first, Max! Let's not compromise on our priorities."

"Well, breakfast will have to wait a little longer," he said. he leaned in for a kiss, Ahri's laughter dissolved into a warm smile. She didn't resist this time as his lips met hers, and the kiss deepened.

But, just as they were getting lost in the sweet moment, an unexpected knock on the door disrupted their passionate exchange. The room service had arrived earlier than expected, and the timing couldn't have been worse.

Ahri chuckled against Max's lips, pulling away reluctantly. "Well, it seems breakfast is quite impatient today," she teased, her voice a bit breathless from their kiss.

Max grinned, though a hint of disappointment flashed in his eyes. "Seems that way."

They reluctantly parted, and Max walked over to the door to accept their breakfast. The room service staff wheeled in a cart laden with a variety of delicious dishes. Ahri set the tray on a small table in the room, and they both settled down to enjoy their meal together.

As they indulged in a delicate fruit pastry and sipped on coffee, Max couldn't help but ask, "Will you be able to attend any other races, or is there any match of yours which maybe I could attend non-race weekend ones?"

Ahri paused to sip her coffee. "Well, we cannot with Australia. My Billie Jean Cup prelims overlap with your race day," she explained. "But I can attend your Imola race, I believe."

Max's face lit up with excitement. "That's great to hear," he replied enthusiastically. "I think I can attend your Porsche Cup too. I have nothing to do before Imola."

Ahri nodded in agreement. "Yeah, I guess. I can just give you a family pass," she offered.

Max's curiosity got the best of him, and he asked, "What about your family? Won't they want to see you play?"

Ahri shook her head with a small smile. "Nah, my brother's got business school, and my parents don't visit any matches unless it's the Korea Open, of course."

Max raised an eyebrow in surprise. "None? Not even Wimbledon?" he inquired.

Ahri chuckled softly. "Nope, they're just busy. Honestly, I prefer it that way too."

Max understood her sentiments, and he couldn't help but agree. Sometimes, a little distance could be a healthy thing, especially since he had similar feelings about his own dad attending his races.


Packing their bags in preparation for their departure back to Monaco, Max and Ahri felt a hint of reluctance. Leaving the comfortable hotel room was not something they were eager to do. However, they took solace in the fact that they would have at least a week together in Monaco before they each had to embark on their respective games.

Max sat on the bed, deep in thought, until he decided to break the silence. "Come here," he said, extending his hand to Ahri, who smiled and took it. He pulled her onto his lap, and she wrapped her arms around his neck, looking at him with a raised eyebrow.

"Can I ask you something?" Max inquired, his voice filled with sincerity.

"Of course, anything," Ahri replied, her curiosity piqued.

Max hesitated for a moment before speaking from the heart. "I really like you, like really, and I was wondering... just like that... maybe you could, you know, be my girlfriend?" Max asked, his eyes reflecting his vulnerability.

Ahri pretended to ponder the question. "Well, since I really, really like you too," she began, feigning hesitation, "I think I can be your girlfriend." Ahri grinned as she said this, and both of them giggled in relief.

"My girlfriend," Max repeated with a wide smile. Ahri didn't waste any time responding; she leaned in and planted a slightly sloppy but passionate kiss on his lips. Their laughter filled the room as they fell onto the bed, still wrapped up in each other, savouring this beautiful moment.





faeriefox_Since I was lazy and you didn't get this in Twin Flame. Here you go <3

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