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Ahri was filled with a sense of excitement and pride as she walked down the paddock hand in hand with Max at the Imola Grand Prix. It was her first official Grand Prix appearance as Max's girlfriend, and their relationship was now out in the open for everyone to see. She couldn't help but smile at everyone they passed along the way, knowing that just a few days ago, she had pulled off a daring and unforgettable move at her court.

Max, her partner in crime and love, squeezed her hand gently as they made their way through the bustling paddock. The media and fans were abuzz with their relationship, and the attention was both exhilarating and overwhelming. Still, Ahri felt a deep sense of contentment knowing that she had Max by her side.

As they continued walking, they exchanged knowing glances and secret smiles, their love for each other evident to anyone who cared to look. 

Ahri and Max continued to stroll down the paddock, eventually reaching the Red Bull garage. There, they were greeted by Christian Horner, the team principal, who wore a playful glint in his eyes.

"Now, will you look at that," Horner exclaimed with a smirk. "Quite the move you guys pulled there at the Porsche Cup and then disappeared off the face of the planet. I was starting to doubt whether Max would even show up today."

Max couldn't help but roll his eyes at Horner's teasing. "Christian, this is my girlfriend, Ahri," he introduced wrapping an arm around Ahri's waist. "As you know, she's a tennis player. Ahri, this is my team principal, Christian Horner."

Ahri extended her hand politely. "It's nice to meet you, Mr. Horner, and I'm so sorry for the PR trouble I caused you and your team." and gently bowed to him. 

Horner shook her hand warmly. "It's nice to meet you too, Ahri. And it's all good; having a little scandal about his love life is much better than having him framed as a grumpy loner " he said with a chuckle "And please call me Christian " he said. 



After the free practice session, Max and Ahri made their way to meet up with their friends. As they approached, Lando couldn't resist teasing them.

"Oh, look, it's the wild couple of the circuit," Lando said with a mischievous grin.

Max shot back playfully, "Well, not everyone can be boring and single now, can they?"

Lando countered, "Mate, we have Charles too, remember?"

Ahri joined in the banter, winking at Charles, "He's not boring and single. he's just waiting for the right moment to cause a bigger scandal."

Carlos chimed in with curiosity, "Wait, you're not single?"

Charles cleared his throat trying to deflect "I am, they're just making fun of me," he said, signalling to Ahri not to reveal his secrets.

Valentina, Carlos's girlfriend chimed in, "Oh, finally, someone who can tame Max and tease Charles. You're an angel, Ahri."

Max joined in with a playful comment, "Anyway, it's good he's single. Lord Perceval deserves everything royal and regal."

Ahri and Max shared a giggle, while Carlos turned to Charles, showing an inquisitive look.

"Oh, by royalty, I was meaning to ask you about the Porsche Cup," Carlos said, feigning innocence.

Charles sighed, realizing there was no escaping the questions. "Nope, you don't mean to ask."

Max and Ahri doubled over in laughter, enjoying the teasing Charles was about to face.



The days at Imola flew by, and soon enough, it was time for the race to begin. Ahri was seated in the garage, her eyes fixed on Max as he prepared to race. There was an air of anticipation in the atmosphere, and she could feel the excitement building.

As the race unfolded, Max showcased his exceptional skills, determination, and sheer talent. Lap after lap, he battled it out on the track, making daring overtakes and pushing his car to its limits. Ahri watched with bated breath, her heart pounding in rhythm with the roar of the engines.

Finally, as the checkered flag waved, signalling the end of the race, Max crossed the finish line first. The garage erupted in cheers, and Ahri couldn't contain her joy. She rushed forward to join Max's team in celebrating his well-deserved victory.

Max emerged from his car, adrenaline pumping through his veins. Ahri couldn't help but feel an overwhelming sense of pride and admiration for her boyfriend. As Max walked towards her, she couldn't resist pulling him into a tight, celebratory hug.





The defending world champion, Max Verstappen, has shifted gears in his love life, and his leading lady just happens to be a world champion herself

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The defending world champion, Max Verstappen, has shifted gears in his love life, and his leading lady just happens to be a world champion herself. 

Meet Ahri Kim, Tennis Pro and World Champion Extraordinaire. The enchanting love interest of the F1 superstar is no ordinary woman. She's a tennis sensation and a three-time world champion in her own right! Ahri's been serving aces and defending her title with grace and finesse throughout this season and she clearly knows what it takes to dominate her field. Born in 1995, she's also two years Max's senior.

While Ahri hails from Korea, she has spent a significant part of her life in Britain and now calls the glamorous Monaco her home. She also seems to have an interesting connection to motorsports, Her younger brother, Minho, might not be professionally competing in Formula  1, but was seriously involved in the British karting scene. 

The rumour mill began churning at the start of the year when Max and Ahri were spotted together on various occasions. Speculation ran wild until they decided to put an end to the whispers at Ahri's Porsche Cup victory celebration. Their public confirmation sent shockwaves through the racing and tennis worlds.

But here's the kicker - it seems this power couple owes their union to none other than Max's best friend, Charles. Charles, who has been friends with Ahri for quite some time, played Cupid in this exhilarating love story.

On a professional level, Ahri is just as competitive as Max. She's laser-focused on winning and has a reputation for never taking a loss lightly. With a temper that can match Max's fiery spirit, Charles essentially brought together two souls cut from the same cloth.

Now that their love is out in the open, we can expect to see Ahri Kim more frequently on the F1 paddock.

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