Fake Friend

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i feel as though the person i have feelings for is kinda a fake friend.

right so, she never takes the initiative to message me, it's always me messaging her. i've tried for over 6 months to try and organise a time to hang out, yeah, nothing, i get diddly squat, she'll reply once or twice but never enough so i can even figure out if she has the day off on that day. oh yeah and one thing she's said awhile ago still bothers me, "graduation will probably be the only chance SOMEONE LIKE YOU may get to dress like that" or something along those lines.

kinda getting tired of this nothing friendship. hopefully i can maintain my discontent and not fold on my anger as soon as she (or if she) messages me again, cause let's be real, the moment i interact with her i'm going to be swooning over her all over again.

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