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Now playing: love. by wave to earth
03:40 ━━━━━━━━━━●── -1:09


Bada's Pov:

It was currently 12:17am, I was now at home and have finished washing up. I should be going to bed, as I was ready to go to sleep, but I was just staring at my phone. Figuring out out how to start a conversation with Emily on instagram.

Should I just say hi? Or should I start with something cheesy to make her laugh? Or maybe I should just say a random thing about me? Either way I want to keep on talking to her. I want to see her laugh because of me, smile because of me, and look at me and call out my name. I then quickly texted her, asking if she's still awake. Accidentally, I pressed the call button. Panicking, I try to cancel it until she answered back after a couple seconds. I could her voice, her breathing as she told me how she finished eating dinner after finishing choreographing her dance with Audrey, and was now having a bath. Thoughts ran through my head, picturing what she looked like at this moment. Blushing, I closed my eyes, trying to not think such illicit thoughts. I asked her how she felt about the show, and how she's liking been Korea.
"I've been in in Korea for the past four years Bada." She said teasingly
"Eh really?" I say, shocked
"Why do you think I'm good at Korean, and understand everyone?"
"Well, aren't you Korean?"
"Yes, but I have been living here for some time now." She said, laughing.
Her laugh was adorable and contagious in a way, making me laugh as well. It felt nice talking to Emily, I could tell she was not used to talking to new people a lot. But it made me feel even more better knowing that I got through her walls, and was making her laugh.
"How's your choreography going?" I ask
"Ehhh, I think it's good. But it needs a little bit more tweaking to be it amazing." She answered
"What about you?"
"Oh I know mine will be picked."
"Oh really now."
"Someone's being a little bit too confident huh?" She said, in a teasing tone.
We just kept on talking about random things. Likes what's our favourite food, place to travel and so on.

"Your so lucky to have met NCT." She suddenly said in a jealous tone.
"Why, are you an nctzen?" I ask her, shocked.
"Yes!, Oh my god. Their like actually my favourite band when it comes to kpop." She starts off.
"Like I even got the light stick, albums and everything. Plus, I have Ten on the back of my phone case."
"Wooowwww, I have no words, literally." I chuckled.
I then heard water splashing from the other side, guessing that has Emily finished her bath. I then checked the time, it showing that it was my 1:30. An hour has gone by from talking with Emily.
"Emily it's pretty late, plus we have to shooting tomorrow." I said.
"Oh yeah, that is true. Well, I had lots of fun talking to you Bada. Your a good dancer as well, I hope you do good in the class mission." She suddenly said, making me blush again just by her words.
"Mm yeah, you too. I mean your also a good dancer too Emily, and I hope you do amazing as well tomorrow."
"Good night Bada."
"Good night Emily."
As I turned off my phone I couldn't help squealing at the thought of today. Today was a very successful day for me. I showed everyone why I'm praised as a good dancer, and, I got to talk to Emily and taking one more step for her to fall in love with me. Well, maybe. I turned off my lamp and fell asleep.

ೃ Time-skip ೃ

Third person:

It was the next day, a bright and hot morning. All dancers spent the night practicing their choreography, while others, well, spent the night slowly falling in love. Each dancer in each class was now going over their choreography. Making sure it was perfect and clean so it can be picked by the other dancers, or, get ready to steal someone's choreography and make it theirs, by becoming main dancer. Everyone was nervous but also confident, confident to show off their skills and choreo to their fellow competitors. Some more than others.
"Audrey, we're like actually going to win. Like what the frick, we are such good dancers." Emily said, pumped for the class mission to actually start.
"I know right. I mean, if we don't get our choreo picked, or main dancer. I still bet we will be the best dancers out of everyone, like we'll get the highest scores." Audrey replied cutely
"Ok Audrey calm down girl, let's not overthink this now."
"Let's do this Bada, show them leaders why you shine the most in choreo." Bada said to herself, before leaving to go down to the fight zone.

~  𝐈𝐧𝐯𝐢𝐭𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 ~(bada lee)Where stories live. Discover now