Chapter III

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A/N: Warning! At the end of this chapter, alcohol (gin) is mentioned! I do NOT condone underage drinking. Be careful with alcohol kids!

Sparrow gulped, looking nervously at the point of the spear levelled at her chest.

"I said, start talking!" The SeaWing snarled. His companion, a surprisingly darkish blue IceWing, emerged from the trees behind him, frowning when she saw Sparrow. She had a dagger on her ankle like the SeaWing

"What do you want to know?" Sparrow asked, surprised at how calm she felt.

"Who are you?" The SeaWing demanded. "Why are you here? Are you a spy?"

"I'm Sparrow," she said. "I was banished from the Sky Kingdom and decided to go to the Rain Kingdom."

The SeaWing instantly relaxed, sliding his spear into its sheath on his back. He held out his webbed talon, smiling at her. "I'm Kelp," he said. "It's nice to meet you."

Sparrow looked at his extended talon with confusion. What is going on?

"Can you explain?" She asked, rather sharply.

"We're banished dragons, too," the IceWing butted in. "We live in a camp not far from here with about fifteen other banished dragons. I'm Taiga, by the way." Taiga looked about twenty if she had to give a rough estimate. Kelp seemed to be a couple of years older than Sparrow, maybe twelve.

Sparrow nodded slowly, taking in the new information. They seemed friendly enough, even though Kelp had pointed his spear at her just a minute ago.

"You can join us if you want," Kelp added, keeping his talon extended. "You'd be our first SkyWing - you could be really useful to us."

Sparrow was hesitant - joining this ragtag group would mean staying in the Mud Kingdom. Yet they don't seem too roughened up, her mind said. They might know ways to live here without being detected.

"What would I get out of it?" Sparrow questioned.

"A place to sleep, a place to wash-" Taiga glanced at her muddy scales "-and food, if you give us something in return."

"Like what?" Sparrow was starting to think about joining them.

"Your fire, for cooking and light and heating stuff, and you could be a messenger if we ever need to contact anyone, which I doubt we ever will." Kelp gave her a charming smile.

Sparrow gave in. I mean, I've got nothing to lose. "Okay," she replied, reaching out and taking Kelp's talon. They shook once, a quick up and down, and it was settled. Sparrow was a part of their camp now.

"Come with us," Kelp said. "We're supposed to be hunting, but I don't think Fen will mind that we didn't bring back any food because we brought you."

Taiga came and stood next to her as they started walking back in the direction that she and Kelp had come from.

"Who's Fen?" Sparrow asked.

"Our leader, more or less," Taiga explained. "She kind of makes sure everyone has something to do and that everyone gets looked after."

Sparrow nodded, concentrating on not tripping over some exposed roots. Taiga's scales let out a cold aura, making her side feel colder. I've never seen an IceWing up close before.

"How'd you get banished?" Kelp called over his shoulder.

"I killed a SandWing," Sparrow admitted.

Kelp looked at her with surprise. "How'd you manage that?"

"I set her tail barb on fire," Sparrow explained. "During battle training."

"What was a SandWing doing in SkyWing territory?" Taiga wondered.

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