Chapter VII

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I have to do it today, Sparrow thought grimly as she looked at the ground in front of her. I only have today and tomorrow left, and I need all of tomorrow to get back to the camp.

When Fen had first instructed her with her task, she had been horrified. She had to kill another dragon? On purpose? For no reason? It had made no sense to her. But now, after travelling through the swamps for five days, she was ready to kill Queen Alligator herself if that meant she could get home and see Flame again.

Sparrow could still feel the warmth of his palms as he held her head level with his. "You will not get caught," he had instructed fiercely. "They gave you a hard task because they think you can handle it. Prove them right."

I will, Sparrow vowed. I will prove them AND you right.

Every day, as she travelled closer to the heart of the kingdom, she saw more and more MudWings. She was surprised that she hadn't been spotted yet; she must be better at sneaking around than she realised.

"-and then I said back to her, 'Well, you look like a walrus.'" Sparrow jumped at the voice, ducking under a tree as she heard a pair of laughs. Most likely, they would fly straight over her and never know she was there.

Except, they weren't flying.

They let out twin roars as they saw her, charging like leopard seals who had seen an easy snack. Sparrow spun and ran, her feet getting constantly stuck in the hungry mud. Soon the MudWings were upon her, slashing at her wings. She shot a jet of fire at the biggest one, spinning and hitting the other over the head with her tail. Sparrow clawed at his face before he could react, leaving bloody indents where his eyes used to be. He roared again, this time out of pain. Sparrow knew it was only a little while until another MudWing came after hearing them.

A sudden weight on her back caused her to thump onto the ground, her legs lying in awkward positions under her. She tried to rise, but the MudWing whom she had flamed grabbed her horns and dug her snout into the ground. As she felt mud start seeping into her nostrils, she started panicking. I will NOT die from SUFFOCATION!

She used all her strength to roll over, dislodging the MudWing. She leapt to her feet and raked her claws across his throat before he could get up. Jumping over the corpse, she swept the legs out from the other MudWing as he finally managed to stand. She grabbed his horns and, with a quick yank, snapped his neck.

She sat back, eyeing up her two kills. She had expected to feel terrible at taking someone's life, but the only thing she felt was. . . content. No, a bit more than content. Proud. She was proud of herself. For killing two MudWings. She chuckled and shook her head. Who thought I'd ever enjoy killing dragons?

She walked over to the big MudWing and started slicing his head off.

~ ~ ~


Everyone's heads snapped up, breaking into grins as they saw Sparrow. They all rose and came over to her, gaping at the two MudWing heads she held in her front talons.

"Well, I think you went slightly over the top, eh?" Kelp asked, shoving her gently. Sparrow worried for a moment that he was horrified, but seeing his smile, she knew he was just impressed. She smiled back at him, her face heating up. She swore she could see a slight red tint to his snout.

"Sparrow!" Flame cried, shouldering his way through the crowd and throwing his wings around his sister. "You're back!"

She dropped the heads, wrapping her arms around his neck. "It's good to see you," she murmured into his scales.

Shadowing Peaks - A Wings of Fire Fanfiction [Book I]Where stories live. Discover now