Chapter VI

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Sparrow and Flame remained sitting on the hill for hours, far into the night. Sparrow told him about what had happened after he left, making sure to talk a lot about their mother. They both knew that Fen would be getting worried but they didn't care. All that mattered to them at that moment was each other.

"We should get back," Flame whispered as the largest moon reached its highest point. "Fen will have our tails if we're any later."

"Okay," Sparrow murmured back. With a final glance at their mother's grave, they stood and took to the air, flying back towards the camp.

They landed outside the thorn wall a few minutes later, squeezing under it as silently as possible. They glanced around the clearing but saw nobody - everyone was in their tents.

"Hey, can I. . . can I sleep with you tonight?" Flame asked nervously. "I just. . ."

"You just need someone," Sparrow finished for him. "Come on." She went over to the fire, spitting a few sparks on it to light it again. She laid down next to it, beckoning for her brother to follow. My brother, she thought, trying out the words. Not bad.

Flame lay down next to her, snuggling into her side. Sparrow placed her wing across his back and rested her head on top of his. Even though he was four years older than her, Sparrow still felt like the eldest sibling - she was certainly tall enough for others to think that. She stared into the core of the fire, turning today's events over in her mind. I like having a brother, she decided. I wish I could remember him from eight years ago.

~ ~ ~

"Can't catch me!" The black and red dragon teased, flying just out of her reach. Sparrow humphed in irritation as she flapped her tiny wings to try and catch up with her brother.

"Ha ha!" Flame crowed. "You're so slow! You should be called Sloth, not Sparrow!"

"Agh!" Sparrow cried in frustration. "You're too big and fast! I'll never get you!"

"You will, one day," Flame crooned, suddenly empathetic. "You're a real SkyWing! When you're older, I won't be able to catch you!"

Sparrow perked up. "Yeah, I'll be so fast that I will go to the Rain Kingdom and back before you can even take off!"

Flame laughed, flying up to her and hovering in front of her. "You can certainly try," he said, smiling at her. "Though I think I'd get a little bit further than that."

Sparrow giggled.

"Hey, kids!" They heard Raptor call from their cave. "The sun's going down. Come and have dinner."

"Coming!" Flame answered. He grabbed Sparrow, who squealed and flew over to the ledge outside their cave. He dropped her just before his talons hit the ground so he didn't squash her.

'Come on, kids!" Rust said from inside. "We have a whole goat tonight!"

Sparrow and Flame gasped. "What! That's so much!" Flame cried. "How'd you get it?" The two dragonets ran inside and up to their mother. "Let us see! Let us see!"

Rust chuckled. "Alright," she hummed. She carefully lifted the plate down from the fireplace up in the wall. The dragonets froze as they saw it, drool running down their chins.

They squealed as they were suddenly scooped into the air. "Dad!" Sparrow cried. "Put us down!"

"No!" The dark orange dragon smiled. "I'm going to take you to Queen Precipice so she can eat you all up!"

Shadowing Peaks - A Wings of Fire Fanfiction [Book I]Where stories live. Discover now