Chapter IV

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"Alright, everyone!" Fen called. "Before we get so drunk that we can't blink-" The group of dragons roared with laughter "-let's go around and introduce ourselves to Sparrow. You all know the routine. I'll go first." She cleared her throat. "I'm Fen, I was banished for stealing from Queen Python's treasury when I was one of her servants." She nodded at the dragon to her left as she sat back down, a skinny RainWing whose scales were currently a deep green with golden patches.

"I'm Kiwi," he introduced himself. "I was banished for accidentally shooting my venom on another RainWing during a practice session."

"I'm Pelican, I was banished for breaking a talon off of one of Queen Anglerfish's statues," a light green male SeaWing said.

"I'm Heatwave, I was banished for setting a building on fire on purpose," a pale yellow male SandWing said.

"I'm Puffin, I was banished for getting into a relationship with one of Queen North's nieces," the white male IceWing said.

"I'm Taiga, I was banished because I am one-quarter SeaWing, and Queen Frost - our old queen - didn't like having 'impure IceWings' in her kingdom." Taiga snorted. So that explains why her scales are so dark and why she's so short.

"I'm Bramble, I was banished for burning a boar that was meant for Queen Alligator," the massive MudWing said.

"I'm Quagmire, I was banished for insulting Queen Alligator," Quagmire said.

It was Sparrow's turn. Taking a deep breath, she introduced herself. "I'm Sparrow, I was banished for accidentally killing one of Queen Sphinx's soldiers when she was visiting the Sky Kingdom."

Kelp gave her an approving smile. That went better than I thought it would. "I'm Kelp, I was banished for purposefully putting octopus ink in Queen Anglerfish's tuna soup." He flashed her a grin, which she gladly returned.

"I'm Tropic, I wasn't banished; I was born outside of the Rain Kingdom and came here when my parents died," a yellowish-green male RainWing said.

"I'm Macaw, and my story is the same as Tropics, as he's my twin brother," a female orange RainWing said.

"I'm Bluefin, I was banished for walking in on an important meeting between Queen Anglerfish and Queen Alligator." Bluefin grinned at them.

"I'm Jackal, I was banished for killing one of Queen Sphinx's nephews." He glanced at Sparrow as if to say 'Look, I killed someone important! Notice me!'

"I'm Tumbleweed, I was banished for being a part of Jackal's murder." So that's how she got banished.

"I'm Trench, I was banished because I am a SeaWing-NightWing hybrid," a dark blue and black female dragon said.

"I'm Shadowflame, I was banished because having red scales is a bad omen in NightWing culture," the NightWing that Fen had looked at before said.

Sparrow looked at Shadowflame closer. He was the only NightWing there if you didn't count Trench, and she remembered seeing him glare at her and Fen. I wonder why he's so grumpy. Probably because he got banished for something that wasn't his fault.

"We need a refill!" Fen cried, lifting her empty cup. Shaking her head with a smile on her face, Taiga stood up, quickly followed by Puffin. They went around the group, collecting the empty cups and going into the tent to refill them.

"So, what do you think of Camp Banished?" Kelp asked Sparrow with a grin.

Smiling slightly, Sparrow replied; "You know what? It's starting to grow on me."

"Good, because you're probably going to be living here for the rest of your life." Kelp took his drink back as Taiga went past. "And you'll just have to hope the gin grows on you too."

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