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In a cozy corner of the school's fashion studies room, a group of young, aspiring fashion designers gathered around a large table. Among them was Jungkook, the undisputed leader of their creative ensemble, known for his knack for innovation and eye for detail. His confident demeanor set the tone for the brainstorming session about to unfold.

"Alright, everyone," Jungkook began, his voice brimming with enthusiasm. "Today, we're going to design the dancer's dress for the upcoming performance. It needs to be elegant yet functional, capable of highlighting every graceful movement."

Cho, an equally talented designer with a penchant for exquisite details, nodded approvingly. She flipped through her sketchbook, her eyes alight with inspiration.

"I envision a dress with a flowing, asymmetrical hem," Cho suggested. "It should move gracefully with the dancer, enhancing each step."

As they sat in the fashion studies room, Jennie, Jongho, Minnie, Yuqi, Naeyon, Ryujin, Lisa, Rose, Sooyeon, and Mina joined the conversation, their voices blending into a harmonious cacophony of ideas. The room was filled with suggestions for fabrics, colors, and intricate embellishments.

Jennie's eyes sparkled with excitement as she shared her thoughts. "What if we choose a deep crimson for the dress, accented with gold details? It would give the outfit a regal, show-stopping quality."

Yuqi, known for her flair for the ethereal, eagerly chimed in. "And we can use lightweight, sheer fabric for the sleeves, creating an otherworldly effect as they billow with each movement."

Ms. Roy and Mr. Kim, the dedicated fashion teachers, observed their students' enthusiasm from a distance. They exchanged quiet smiles, both genuinely impressed by the level of passion and talent displayed by the young designers.

"These kids have so much potential," Ms. Roy whispered to Mr. Kim. "It's heartwarming to see them collaborate like this."

Mr. Kim nodded in agreement. "Indeed. Their collective creativity is bound to result in something truly special."

Just as the group was about to settle on their design concept, a sudden, thunderous thud reverberated through the room, sending shockwaves through their collective concentration. Wide-eyed and startled, they turned as one toward the source of the noise.

Jungkook's brows furrowed with concern. "What was that?"

Together, they rushed to the window, peering outside to investigate.


I thought of dropping this story. I forgot the plot.

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