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Me, Jason, and Isaac all in dbd"There's no getting out of this now. We're too good at it." - The Legion"Smartasses get killed. We always see to that." - The Legion"This is no place for cowards." - The Legion


I was sitting on my bed as I wrote a fanfiction for a character I was currently crushing on. It was a Saturday morning, nearing 3:00 AM. I was too infatuated with my story and silently jamming out to the music running through my headphones to see whatever was happening around me.

I felt a cold shiver run down my back, goosebumps running up and down my arms. I found it weird, temporarily pausing from my typing to look around my room. It was just warm, so how could it suddenly be cold?

I turned behind me to check if I closed my bedroom window. It remained closed, keeping the freezing winter temperatures outside and the warmth of the heater inside.

It felt like someone else was here with me; another presence. I knew it was impossible anyone could be with me at the moment considering my bedroom door stays closed, and I would have definitely known if someone came in.

Something cold wraps around my legs and forcefully pulls me off of my bed, causing me to let out a gasp. It began slithering around my body. I began heaving in breathes. It felt like I was slowly being crushed.

I tried to scream for my parents, but it grasped my throat, beginning to choke me. I clawed at the air in desperation to save myself. Instinctive anxiety kicked in as I began quickly getting oxygen-starved. Tears formed in my eyes. I didn't want to die.

My lungs burned for air. I felt my conscious begin to slip from me. I tried my hardest to stay awake but it was getting harder to do so. I flailed all around as a last-attempt to break free from this thing that held me hostage.

Everything was black until it wasn't. I shot up with a large gasp of air. Someone jumps back from beside me to prevent getting head-slammed. I take a few gulps of air, tears streaming down my face, as I calmed down.

The person spoke to me, but I was unable to understand them. My lungs ached and my whole body hurt. I wrap myself around the person I was sharing my bed with to find comfort from them.

"Hey, hey! Shh, sh, sh," they soothed, wrapping their arms around me. "You're still alive. You're still here." I buried my head in their chest as I hyperventilated. "Deep breathes, Hannah."

I nod my head and inhale shaky breathes that slowly evened out. I looked around at the walls surrounding me. I was still in my room. "I hate this," I mutter.

"I know," the person responds as they run their fingers through my hair. We sit in silence to allow myself to regain my sense of reality.

The room was still dark from the lack of sunlight—well-known in Alaskan winters. Everything was the same, but I was no longer alone. "I think—"

"No," I cut them off. I pull myself away from them to look at their face. "I know what you're going to say."

"You need help, Hannah!" I shake my head and crawl to the opposite side of the bed. "I know I need help, but what the fuck am I supposed to tell someone?"

"The truth!" I scoff and turn my back to them so I was now staring at my bedroom wall. "You hardly believe me. What makes you think a therapist will?"

They think about their answer for a moment. "They can give you professional help," they eventually respond.

"No prescription is going to save me from whatever the fuck this is!" It wasn't a play of my imagination. It was really happening, and it wants me for something. They fall silent once again.

I fiddle with my thumbs before turning around to face them. "I'm sorry," I say. They look up at me. "There's nothing you should be sorry for."

"But there is." I felt the tears return as the back of my throat began to burn. "I'm sorry for everything."

"...Why are you saying this?" I crawl back over to them and cradle them in another hug. "My time is running out here."

"Hannah, don't say that."

"It wants me," I say. "It's only a matter of time before it kills me." I lay my head back on their chest as I begin to sob. "You're not gonna die," they say, but I can hear the lack of sureness in their answer.

"The next time is the end for me." They shake their head. I felt their grip tighten around me. "You aren't dying anytime soon, Hannah, okay? Stop saying that."

"If it wants you so bad, why hasn't it just taken you already?" They don't understand. No one will ever understand. I don't even understand it. "I... I don't know," I sob. "Maybe it's toying with me," I guessed.

We slowly rock side to side, holding each other in our arms. They didn't say anything afterwards. The silence allowed us to appreciate each other's company more.

The buzz of our alarms going off in unison catch our attention. I tighten my grip as they reach to turn their alarm off. "Can we stay here? Just a bit longer."

"Of course." I let myself smile a little as I soaked in the safety and warmth they provided me. My alarm eventually turned itself off, allowing us the couple of more minutes of peace before the start of another school day began.

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