Dbd: ch 10

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When I regained consciousness, I was back in the dark forest where the campfire was. My body was in pain as if I had been eaten alive from the inside-out. My brain was foggy as it slowly woke itself up.

It took me a moment to realize that I was being carried, and I was not near the campfire. My arms dangled lazily as an arm wrapped around my waist to hold me in place. I was draped over someone's shoulder as I was transported somewhere.

I didn't think much of it at first, and, quite frankly, am too tired to care at the moment. That was until I grew curious as to who was possibly carrying me away from everyone else, and why.

I wince in pain as the fogginess dispersed from my head. I raise my head just a bit to see that I was in the middle of the woods, where no one could find me. "Oh, look who is finally awake," my kidnapper says and drops me.

"Augh," I groan from the impact with the ground. It was cold, and damp. I curl my fingers into gently-balled fists and cough a bit.

A foot collides with my side and pushes me so that I rolled onto my back. I was hardly able to see who the person was from the lack of light. What I could make out was a white mask. My mind instantly went blank, knowing that Michael Myers didn't speak and I was unsure what other Killer wears a white mask.

"Who are you?" I ask, not really expecting much of an answer. They chuckle a bit. "Aw, you've forgotten me already?"

His voice was familiar. I have definitely met him before. "I don't-..." It then clicks in my head who he was. "Fred?" I knew it was something like that.

"Nope." He grabs my shirt and pulls me up so that I was now face to face with him. I could hear his breathing from underneath his mask. "But, y'know, it's rude to leave a conversation before it ended."

"I don't know what you're talking about," I say, fear building inside. His grip on my shirt tightens and I harshly swallow. "I guess I should remind you then."

I let out a gasp as I am forcefully pushed, my back hitting a tree. Both his hands sit on both sides of my head, his arms trapping me between him and the thick tree. My first thought was that I was going to be murdered; the second was that I was about to get raped, and then murdered.

I quickly realize that he had no weapon in his hand, and my mind drifted more towards the second thought. "I'm not scared of you," I spat at him.

He huffs out a sort of laugh. "That's what you said the last time." I glare at him through his mask. I wasn't about to let myself be raped by some pedophile.

He grabs a hold of my throat and squeezes. I grab at his hand in a weak attempt to get away. He fishes out his hunting knife from the pocket of his jacket and holds it to my throat. "I'm still pretty upset about when you bit me."

"You deserved it." He squeezes harder, forcing me to let out a cough followed by a gasp for air. "The fuck you want, an apology?"

"That'd be nice," he hums. He tosses me to the ground and jumps atop of me, his legs cradling my waist. The blade of his knife lightly traces across my throat in a teasing manner. "It'd be nicer to cut your throat open and watch you bleed out from underneath me."

A thought appears in his head. "Kind of hot, actually," he adds. I grimace at his words. "You're disgusting." The blade travels down my throat until it met with my hoodie. "Get the fuck off of me, you pedophile."

His actions pause for a moment. I could only stare at the white face smiling down at me. I used this opportunity to grab a hold of his knife and try to tug it out of his grip, the blade slicing the palm of my hand wide open in the process. I hiss in pain as he tightens his grip on the knife and pulls it away from me.

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