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Maybe it is time I tell you a story...
A story of how two deranged slashers came to meet.

Once upon a time
On June 13, 1946. A baby was born

This was no ordinary baby though

He had a deformed head that would taunt him for the rest of his life and lead him to being pushed into a lake by a bunch of kids and drowning. But his mother loved him. She called him Jason

One summer a group of teenagers decide to visit Camp Crystal Lake in hopes to reboot the park, despite the stories they were told.

As any classic horror story goes, everything collapsed

A large figure emerged from the depths of the lake wearing a hockey mask and welded a machette

A voice in his head talked to him. It was his mother's voice. "Do it, Jason. For mommy"
Dead and deranged, he believed his mother was actually talking to him
And so he chased the teenagers

One by one every single person that night died by the hands of Jason Voorhees.
The last thing they heard was the iconic "ke ke ke ah ah ah"
The last thing they saw was a glimpse of the deformed head of the demon behind the hockey mask that stared blankly at them as the machette was plunged straight through their abdomens

The camp was burned to the ground and nobody dared to go back there again.
But there was a new threat on their hands

After the mysterious burning of the camp in New Jersey, news of multiple cases of murder spread across the U.S. of a serial killer in the state of Illinois

Jason, wanting to be the best, decided to travel there to defeat his new rival. Nothing will stop him.

Jason waited and waited to find this man that he has heard so much about. Until one night...
He saw the man

He was tall, but not quite as tall as Jason, and wore a white humanoid mask and always held one specific 8-inch kitchen knife
It was almost like he had a bond with that knife

Jason waited for this night. He was prepared. But so was the man oh-so-cleverly known as The Shape by the locals

Jason read (or at least tried to with the best of his reading ability) newspapers and listened to reports of the man. The weapon described always was that 8-inch kitchen knife

He snuck up on the man as he stalked through the park, awaiting for any trick-or-treaters to come across his path
Unbeknownst to Jason, the man knew of him. He wanted to laugh at his stupidity. Nobody could find The Shape. He only showed himself to you if he wanted to be found.

Jason didn't have the best stealth skills.
Nor did he have the best intelligence

Jason blindly followed the man home. He wouldn't admit it but he was hesitating to take the man head-on even if he knew he could easily take him out with one swipe across the neck with his machette.

He followed the man inside but he had disappeared, hiding somewhere in the house.It didn't matter where he looked, he was just gone. As if he was a phantom.

But there was one thing that made it worth it

The 8-inch kitchen knife. The same one the man used for every hunt

Jason took it, not thinking much on why it was just laying there out in the open on the kitchen counter. It wasn't hidden like a special artifact should be.
Just as he turned to leave...

The Shape grabbed a hold of the taller man, pinning him against the wall with a surprisingly tight grip.

Jason was startled. He had checked the whole house and caught not even a trace of the man ever being there. It seemed like any ordinary abandoned house. It was like he was a part of the shadows.

The man breathed heavily from within the mask. But it didn't terrify Jason.
It filled him with something. His heart beat with not fear, but lust

Jason stared into those empty black holes of the mask. He was unable to see any hint of the face underneath. But he could feel how the man stared into his soul.
He was waiting for any sign of weakness. Of fear. But (unfortunately for him) there was none to be seen.

Out of instinct, Jason plunged the knife into the man's side and pushed him away. He was scared of this weird feeling the man gave him and he didn't like it but craved for something more
He pulled the knife out of the man and picked up his machette (that he had dropped when attacked) off the floor, about to leave

He planned on taking the knife with him. Not only so he could have something that belonged to this strange man. But it would ensure he would see him again.
But before he could even leave the kitchen...

The man had recovered faster than Jason expected and tackled him, desperate to retrieve the knife from the strange intruder

And like any love story, they both stumble to the floor. The Shape atop of Jason.

Sensations flooded Jason, corrupt thoughts plaguing his mind. His body began feeling hot. This feeling was overwhelming. Overstimulating

The man atop of him wasn't wasting any time. His one desire in this situation was to retrieve his prized posession and get rid of this stranger
But Jason refused. He wasn't going to give it up, which only served to irritate the masked man.

One hand tightly clasped around his wrist that held the machette and the other trying to pry the knife out of the other hand, Jason was left defenseless. He couldn't do much with both hands pinned above his head.

He couldn't do much with his body craving for something he couldn't quite understand. He wouldn't do anything because of the thoughts in his head.

But he knew the man's reputation. This was a life or death situation. Either Jason freed himself and got out with his knife, alive. Or he let the man have his way and have the feeling of the knife be plunged into his heart, his soul...which oddly intrigued him at the thought

Jason was obviously going to pick the former. He used his brute strength to push the man off of him and headed for the front door. He has to live another day...to see the man again.

But even as The Shape was caught off-guard by the man's sudden strength. Even as Jason was able to escape the house with machette and 8-inch kitchen knife in hand. He wasn't going to let him get away.

This wasn't going to be the last Jason sees of thee Michael Myers.

jason and michaelOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora