Dbd: ch 7

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I open my eyes and stare up at the ceiling of the resort I was in. I sigh as I sit up and notice that I was alone. I could use this opportunity to leave if I wanted to. It was the perfect time to do it.

I get up from the couch and make my way outside when a voice stops me in my tracks. "Where the hell do you think you're going?" I whip around to look at the guy, startled. He sat on the counter by a window with a beer in his hand.

"To the bathroom." He chugs the rest of his beer before throwing it on the floor and putting his mask on. I could only stand there as he walks over to me. "The bathroom isn't outside." I look up at him, holding a cold glare despite the fear I felt.

"Why the hell you keep lying to me?"

"I'm not scared of you," I say, trying to stand my ground. I was most definitely scared of him. I notice him stiffen a bit. "You wanna say that again?"

"Sure, since you didn't hear me the first time," I smile a bit. "I'm not scared of you." My cocky attitude was quickly replaced with fear when he pins me against the wall. "Don't be cocky with me, bitch, I will murder your ass."

"Okay, I'm sorry," I quickly respond, looking away from him. Black fog begins to surround his feet and he grumbles and backs away. "Consider yourself lucky this time."

Oh, I will, I wanted to say but kept my mouth shut. I watch as he disappears within the fog as he is brought into a Trial.

I look around to make sure I was alone this time before sneaking out. I break into a run once I leave the building and into the woods. I wasn't going to stay here any longer. Susie and I may have gotten along yesterday, but I wasn't going to risk it today. They're Killers! I can't trust them.

The only problem is that I have no idea how to get back to the campfire still. The forest was still dark and the fog remained too thick to see through. I blindly walked through, telling myself to just keep going straight.

It was eerily quiet the further I walked. It was beginning to give me a bad feeling as fear settled in. The crunch of leaves startle me and I whip around, squinting my eyes to try to see through the fog. I take a step back and jump at the same sound.

I turn around and continue forward, the crunch of leaves continuing once again. I begin to laugh at myself. I was glad I was alone, because that was embarrassing. I can't believe I scared myself like that!

The darkness was beginning to become comforting the longer I stayed in it. A cold shiver would run down my spine and Claudette's screams would repeat in my mind that would remind me every time I felt myself relaxing that I was not safe.

I slow my stroll as my ankle began to bother me. My other leg was hurting as well from putting most of my pressure on it to feel minimal pain in my ankle. I hoped I would be fully-healed in my next Trial.

The sound of crunching leaves continued at a faster pace. It took me a moment to realize it, and when I did, I turned out to see someone walking towards me. My breath catches in my throat as the tall person slowly makes their way over to me.

I stood still as I tried to make out who they were. Controlled heavy breathing could be heard as they neared me. It reminded me of Michael Myers.

My conversation with Rebecca replays in my head, and my heart drops with realization. I swallow thick saliva as I watched the silhouette of the man closing in on me, slowing his own pace when he sees that I wasn't running.

I was mesmerized by him. His graceful walk and calm pace, his heavy breathing and relaxed posture. My obsession over him was getting to me, and for a moment I had forgotten that he was planning on killing me.

It then dawned on me that he was a ruthless killing machine. I snapped out of my daze and took a step back from the man, which seems to intrigue him as his pace quickens to a more leisurely walk than a predator stalking towards his oblivious prey.

I turn and run in the opposite direction. The fact that Michael Myers was after me filled me with a sickening sort of satisfaction; a weird fluttering in my stomach. I look over my shoulder, and that feeling returns to fear at the sight of him following me. He was in no rush to chase me. It was like he knew he was going to get me.

I push myself faster, ignoring the pain in my ankle. The sliver of light gives me hope as I run towards it. The closer I got, the more I recognized it as the campfire. I let out a scream of terror, tears falling down my face.

I run into someone, them immediately holding me in their arms. "Woah! Hey, chill out. You're okay!" I shake my head and look behind me. There was no sight of the serial killer anywhere, but I know he was there. Waiting.

A few more of the survivors rush over to me. "Where the hell were you?" One of them asks. I'm helped over to the campfire, where I am set down and warm myself up. "Michael... Michael Myers was chasing after me," I hiccup.

"He can't get you here. You're okay," someone says. I take deep breathes, hiding my face in my hands. As I calmed down, I began to laugh, confusing and even worrying a few around me.

"Michael Myers was chasing after me!" I giggle, my fascination over him kicking in now that he wasn't actively trying to kill me. My fangirl-obsession was bad, and now that I knew he was in this realm with me, I was almost excited to face him in a Trial.

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