Dbd: ch 8

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I was in a place filled with a bunch of broken down and smashed up cars. My ankle was now fully-healed, so I was able to move around normally, to which I was happy about.

I walk around the wreck yard until I find another survivor. I greet him with a quick smile and follow him over to a generator. "I should probably keep watch," I say as an excuse to not work on the generator.

He nods his head as a response and focuses on doing the generator. I stand nearby and look around. I notice someone running across the map with a taller person limping behind them. They wielded a chainsaw and a hammer, giving me a gut-wrenching feeling.

I take a step backwards, jumping when the generator pops and the light turns on. "First gen done," the guy says as he stands up and rubs the oil on his forehead as he wipes the sweat.

I give another smile when he looks at me. "See the Killer yet?" He asks and I nod, mumbling, "Yeah." A shiver runs down my spine as I think of the chainsaw. I could take a fist beating from the last Killer, but I couldn't fathom the thought of being ripped to shreds by a chainsaw. "Tall guy with a chainsaw."

"The Hillbilly," he takes note. I follow closely behind him as he begins searching for another generator. The sound of one popping echoes across the map. "What's your name?" He asks me.

"Hannah," I respond. He nods his head. "I'm Jake."

"You ever work on a generator before?" I shake my head. "It's quite simple. I'll teach you." I begin to protest as he bends down at another generator.

"I dunno. It looks difficult and I will probably explode it or something."

"Well, you'll have to learn eventually if you want to make it here." I look down at my shoes. The rev of a chainsaw causes me to whip around. I scream as I see the Killer running full speed at us, the chainsaw held above his head.

Jake follows in my direction before splitting away from me. I ran as fast as I could, but the Killer was definitely faster. I scream out again as tears pour down my cheeks. His footsteps were thundering from behind me louder than my heartbeat pulsing through my ears.

The sound of the chainsaw overheating causes him to slow down a bit, but even as he limped, he was able to catch up to me fairly easily. I was begging for a miracle to happen and he would leave me alone, but that was a waste of time.

I choke on my own breath as his hammer crashes down on me and I stumble forward. I couldn't even cry from the pain. I was feeling lightheaded and wanted to pass out, but the adrenaline kept me going.

He catches up once more and swings the hammer down once again, knocking me off of my feet. My vision was blacking out. I hardly was able to register the man picking me up and hoisting me over his shoulder. The weakness from the impact made it harder to wiggle off of him.

The hook pierces through my shoulder and I let out a blood curdling scream that echoed miles around. I manage a look at the Killer, who watches me for a moment before taking off. Even through my blurred vision as tears cascaded down my face, I could see the ugliness.

I cried as I hang there like a butchered pig. The less I moved the less painful it was. A blonde woman quickly makes her way to me, causing me to lift my head to see who it was. She was oddly familiar. Her presence reminded me of Michael, and it clicked. "Laurie Strode?" I ask before muffling a scream as she pulls me off of the meat hook.

"There's no time for talking right now. We got to get you patched up and out of here." She drags me over to a safer spot away from the hook and tends to my shoulder.

I wince as she patches it up to the best of her abilities. The sound of the chainsaw returns, and is quickly getting louder. We look over and see the Killer rushing to us. I sob some more as I wait for Laurie to do something.

"There's an exit gate that way. Run!" She spits out quickly before screaming as the chainsaw cuts through her. I gasp and scream as I watch her fall to the ground.

My legs were jelly as I ran in the direction she had pointed. The man was following close behind me, wanting to take both of us down. I could see the gate open and Jake usher for me to run faster.

I run as fast as I could after being bashed in the head with a hammer earlier. He waits for me to run past him and out the exit gate before leaving as well.

I allow myself to collapse to the ground, knowing I was finally safe from that man. I sobbed as much as I could until I began to hyperventilate. "Oh my god, oh my god!"

"Hey, hey," Jake puts a hand on my shoulder as he tries to calm me down. "It's over. You escaped." I could hardly hear him through my panic attack.

"Laurie," I choked out, the gruesome image of seeing her die right in front of me. "She's fine," he assures me. I shake my head and practically scream, "She's not! She died from that man with that- that chainsaw and-!" I take a desperate breath of air and hiccup.

"Breathe," he says and sits down next to me. "I need you to take deep breathes, okay?" I let out another cry and wrap my arms around myself. "Calm down. Getting worked up won't help anything."

I shake my head and shrug his hand off of my shoulder as I stand up. My legs try to collapse but I keep them standing. "No! Laurie died from that thing! How are you expecting me to not freak out?!"

He gets up on his feet, remaining unfazed by my yelling. "Let's get back to camp," he says and reaches to put his hand on my shoulder again but I flinch away from him. "Don't touch me," I warn him.

He retracts his hand and instead has me walk beside him towards where the campfire was. I couldn't stop crying the whole way back, although I had quieted down.

I kept out of the group when we had returned and rest down by a tree in the shadows. I pulled my knees to my chest and began to quietly cry as everyone had their wounds tended to. Even when Laurie miraculously showed up, I kept quiet and kept the questions in my head.

I was thankful I didn't have to feel the wrath of the chainsaw, but I feared of worse weapons to come. I wanted out of here. I wanted to go home.

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