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Sunset comes as a settled heart to the horizon, as if the sky itself could speak of love – pretty tinges of warm reds and oranges flittered down upon the grassy slopes which lapped the settled blue waters. It was like the land was kissing up to lake, creating the most stunning, picturesque atmosphere.

A golden beauty was perched gracefully on as tree branch overlooking this serene scene, if she were to move one inch either side then she would surely plummet into the cold autumn waters.

However, that thought was the farthest thing from her mind as she delicately unwrapped the small fruit pastries that she had snuck from the kitchens earlier that very morning. Buttery shortcrust pastry encased an array of sweetness, beautifully ripe berries exploded within her mouth like a firework. Small flakes fell from between her fingers onto the closed novel on her lap which she had been using as a plate.

Finding a peaceful spot to eat the rich delicacies and read was a tiresome activity at Hogwarts, with each turn came a range of laughter and general noise. The land beside the Black Lake was no different, many students lay about, gossiping and giggling with their classmates, trying to soak up the ever-setting summer sun.

But that was going to stop her from discovering whether or not Romeo and Juliet had gotten their happy ending.

Long story short, they didn't.

Why William Shakespeare adored making her cry at tales of lost love alluded Ariadne but cry she did.

Such silly children the were, two rash decisions cost them their life and their love. If only Romeo had waited just a few moments before drinking the poison that snuffed away his life, then he would have realised that the pretty Juliet was participating in a game of such cruel trickery.

But he didn't and when the Capulet awoke and saw her lover lying dead beside her faux deathbed, she took his dagger and reunited with her Montague in the afterlife.

It was a truly glorious evening, despite this, so she could not justify weeping over two fictional characters for longer than her mind deemed necessary.

So, she decided to climb down from the tree, but as she reached the branch below her a rather rambunctious group of boys gathered under her tree and she, in her infinite wisdom, decided to stay and listen in on their conversation.

"You're so boring, Padfoot," cried a dramatically distraught James Potter, "I knew Moony being a Prefect would soon corrupt your mind."

Remus rolled his eyes, from Ariadne's frequent observations of her dear Sirius' little circle of pranksters, he seemed to do that a lot.

"Calm down, mate," Sirius replied in a rather bored manner, "All I said was that I couldn't mess with Snivellus for a few weeks."

"The betrayal," James flung himself spectacularly across the dewy grass, causing a laugh to erupt from Peter Pettigrew. "The devastation."

He seemed to compose himself rather quickly, however, and before Ariadne could even register what had happened, the bespectacled boy was sat cross legged opposite their mutual friend diplomatically.

"Explain, please."

"Prongs, we've been through this."

But he was silenced by a sharp look that she assumed that James had picked up from either Professor McGonagall or his mother.

"Fine, fine," Sirius said exasperatedly, "I made a deal with Evans. Promised her that I would leave Snivellus alone for a while."

"Why have you been making deals with Evans without me."

"Because it's none of your concern."

"What's none of my concern."

"You don't need to know."

"Just answer the question," Remus entered the conversation, "He'll never shut up otherwise."

"He doesn't need to know," Sirius worded slowly, as though speaking to a toddler.

"Just tell me," Sirius whined.

Rolling his eyes, Sirius finally gave in, "I asked Evans if she'd sit next to 'Adne in Potions, maybe try and be her friend as well, if she could."

Oh. That's why Lily was sat all alone, not because Severus Snape had ditched her for his Slytherin friends.

Ariadne had to hand it to the two of them though, it was an extremely plausible explanation as to why such a likeable girl was sitting by herself. Yet, she didn't expect for Lily to throw her friend under the bus like that – it was probably because she knew that Ariadne had nobody to tell.

"Why do you care if Ariadne has anyone to it with?" Peter piped up but was sent a menacing glare that reminded Ariadne solely of Sirius' cousin, Bellatrix.

"She's lonely, Wormtail. I've told you this."

So, Sirius had told his friends that she's lonely, which is far from the case, and for whatever reason, his little plan with Lily Evans caused a rather uncomfortable feeling to spread across her belly.

Maybe she had eaten those fruit pastries a little too quickly. Possibly, it was due to the fact that he would rather bargain with someone so she could be kept company rather than just spending some time with her himself.

Either way, Ariadne decided that now would be the perfect time to make her presence known and she jumped down from her tree branch, landing quietly on the ground without swaying.

The eyes of the four Marauders were now on her.

"'Adne, how long have you been up there?" Sirius asked worriedly.

"Next time, before making yourselves comfortable under just any tree, should check whether or not the victim in your little secret plans is sitting in it."

And with that, she made her way back up to the castle, ignoring the calls of Sirius from behind her.

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Sorry for the lack of updates recently, I hope you enjoy this one this one though. Little bit of drama to spice things up, I thought it was getting a bit boring.

This chapter was an absolute NIGHTMARE to publish, first word on my laptop wasn't working, then it was, then Google wasn't working so I couldn't access Wattpad. It took me longer to try and publish than it did to write it. Ended up publishing it on my phone 😭.

Anywayy, please vote, comment and share.

I love you to the stars.

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