Chapter one

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Are you an angel?

Anakins POV:

There's one thing I hate more than waking up. When someone wakes me up.

So when that happened this morning, my dad got an alarm clock in his face on instinct. Which, in my defence, I didn't mean to do, but that didn't save me from getting an earful from him and a 2 day ban from using my car.

Which is exactly why I'm stuck here, in the middle of nowhere, in the pouring rain at 2am.
On top of that, my phone is dead, which is just wonderful.

At least I know where I am. My house isn't far from here, probably only another 5 minute walk, but thunder cracks above me and the rain starts to fall even harder, which I didn't think was possible.

I need to take shelter before I get struck by lightning and end up getting fried.

Luckily, I know there's an abandoned house on this road, where I'll wait out the storm and try to not get mugged while I do that.

I run the remaining 20 steps to the house.
The gate remains open and the fence is half down, and don't even get me started on the trash in the yard. It's become the streets littering point, which is a shame because the house would be nice if it had some attention.
There's spray paint all over it, some of which was my doing when I was younger, but I can proudly say that I'm not responsible for the dicks drawn on the door.

That was Rex.

I reach the door and push it open, half expecting it to fall off its hinges, but when it doesn't I stumble inside and close it behind me.
I do a quick scan of the area to make sure there's no threats here, not that I could do much with my wet hair covering my eyesight.

Just when I'm sure I'm safe, I catch a glimpse of movement between the old furniture on the floor not far away from me.

My first instinct is to run away, but I decide to not be a pussy so I don't have to hear Piett bring it up for the next month.
So instead of doing the smart thing and leaving, I walk closer.

"Hello?" My steps make the floor creak, making it obvious I'm approaching.

I'm half tempted to grab something off the floor as a weapon, but all I can see is a spatula and half of what looks like an umbrella, so I decide against it.

Just when I'm about to speak again, I see a figure emerge from behind an overturned couch.

This figure is wearing a white gown, with rips and dirt all over. Her hair is long, down almost to her thighs, and for a moment, when I see her face, I think I'm hallucinating.

"Are you an Angel?"

I have no idea what possessed me to ask such a question, but this girl is far too beautiful to be here.
Maybe I did get struck by lightning and this is heaven.

She tilts her head, her big, pretty eyes narrowing at me.
"No. But you will be if you don't stay away from me."

Her voice is the softest thing I've ever heard, so her death threat sounds almost like a bedtime story to me.

When I shift my weight to my left, I see her cower back a little, and that's when I realise how frightened she is.
How I didn't notice before, I'm not sure, but the fear in her expression does something to my heart.

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