Chapter two

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Unexpected feelings.

"Here, this is yours for as long as you need it." Anakin is standing in the doorframe to the guest room.
At least I think it's a guest room—it looks more like the master bedroom to me.

It's a large space, with a queen sized bed in the centre. There's floor to ceiling windows either side of the closet, and opposite the bed is another door I can only assume is a bathroom.
The rug on the floor alone must cost a fortune. I think I'd drop dead if I knew how much all the furniture cost.

"My rooms right next door. Don't be afraid to knock if you need anything," he walks in and points to the door opposite the bed.
"The bathroom is in there. It's stocked of everything you might need."
I step inside behind him, eyeing the room one last time.
I can tell I'll get a good night sleep here.

"Thank you. Really, I owe you so much."
He shakes his head at me, a soft smile crossing his expression.

"You owe me nothing, love. Really." He gives my outfit a look before shaking his head. "I take it my sister dressed you."
I nod, trying my hardest not to blush.

She found the smallest shorts she could and paired it with a crop top. She thought the look served, in her words.

His smile turns boyish, and he unzips his hoodie. "In case you get cold,"
He hands it to me, which I accept with a new feeling in my heart.
I wonder if this is what it feels like to be cared for.

"Thank you. I'll, um, see you tomorrow..."
I say quietly. It feels weird to be so casual about staying here, but I can tell he doesn't know how big of a favour he's doing me.

"Yeah, just come get me when you wake up. I'll be around." I catch his eyes drift down before he turns around, heading back out the door.
He's about to shut it for me, but he pauses and looks at me again.
"You look good in that by the way..."

The way he says it doesn't make me feel weird like compliments from men usually do. In fact, I feel something else, something that I'm trying very hard to suppress.

I give him a smile. "Thanks..." I tuck my damp hair behind my ear and grip tighter to his hoodie.
Instead of replying, he just smiles before leaving the room, gently shutting the door behind me.

God, what is this man doing to me?
My legs feel oddly weak when I walk to the bed. The smile on my lips is the most genuine smile I've expressed in months.

I can't have a crush on him, can I?
In the couple of hours I've known him, he's been nothing but lovely to me, but it's far too soon to like him.
Even though he looks like he belongs on the cover of a magazine and his personality, from what I know, seems flawless... it's too soon for me to let my guard down.
He could still hurt me, and if I crack any more, I'm afraid I might break.

But I can't help but wrap his hoodie around me and think about the kindness he expressed to me today.
This feeling is dangerous for me. It's new and... unexpected.
And I'm me, while he's perfect.

Someone like him could never feel anything for someone like me.
I have to remember that.

So as I close my eyes, I think about how disgusted he would be of me if he knew the things I've done. The things I've experienced.
He'd hate me if he knew how pathetic I am, I'm sure of it.
The smile fades from my lips and I go to sleep, knowing that whatever I feel for him will never be reciprocated.


I wake to the sound of yelling.

I jump up, for a moment, disoriented and confused by my surroundings, but I soon realise where I am.

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