Chapter four

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Trigger warning.

Y/n's POV:

God, why did I do that?

Not only did I kiss him, I just ran away, like I always do from any uncomfortable situation.

Of course I wanted to kiss him, but that doesn't mean I should've. It was dumb, because now I'm going to be tempted to do it again, when I know he doesn't actually want me.

He may want to sleep with me, as most guys would want to for another notch under their belts, but once he learns all the ugly parts of me, he'll want to stay as far away as possible.

All I can think about as I get into bed is how much of a moron I am for allowing it to happen.
Something romantic between us will only end up with me getting hurt, even if the feeling I get when I'm with him is irresistible.

He's too good for someone like me.

I close my eyes and tuck myself further under the blanket.
I wish I could allow myself to open up to the idea of love again, but after Nate, and after all that's happened with my mother, I can't ever see that happening.

I wasn't born lucky enough experience love, so I drift off in hopes I dream of it instead.


I sit up with a whimper.
Sweat is pouring from my body and tears are dripping down my cheeks, and it takes me a second to remember why.

A nightmare.

A nightmare I usually have every time I close my eyes—with the rare exception of last night.
I was so relieved to be here that my dreams weren't haunted like they usually are.

I switch on the light beside the bed and take a few deep breaths, trying to stop myself from crying.
It's always the same nightmare.

"Stay here,"
I watch my mother walk away from me, and I try to follow, but her legs are so much longer than mine.

"Momma, wait!"

She ignores me, even as I scream when I'm lifted from behind.

"Stay quiet, kid."
This man is different from the last.
He's older, with a grey beard and deep set, wrinkled eyes.

I try to escape, I really do, but he's bigger than me, and I'm so tired I can barely lift my arms to hit him.

I give up when he throws me down onto the dirt covered floor.

I jump when someone knocks on the door.
It's Anakin. Shit.

I jump up and walk to the door to open it.
I can't exactly ignore him considering this is his house.

I wipe my eyes before opening it with a forced smile.

He blinks, his hair messy like he's just woken up.
"Are you okay? I thought I heard you scream, so I came to check and your light was on." He looks around the room as if checking for any sign of threat.

"I'm okay. Sorry if I woke you," I swallow nervously when he narrows his eyes at me, as if noticing something.

"We're you crying?" His whole demeanour softens and his eyes full with worry.
"What's the matter, love?"

I look away in fear of tearing up.
Having someone comfort me is new and I'm not sure how to accept it.
"I just had a bad dream, it stupid..." I wipe under my eye quickly and put on a smile.
"I'm really sorry I woke you up,"

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