Chapter six

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Stay with me?

There's another storm tonight.
This one is much more violent than the last and it's making me nervous. I've always hated storms because being homeless for some of my life, I've spent a lot of time trying to stay out of them, and sometimes failing.
There's nothing worse than being cold and alone, not knowing when your next meal or shower will be.

It's 1:22am and I've yet to sleep. The wind is blowing a tree close to my bedroom window which is causing the branches to hit the glass.
The repetitive tapping sound is making me want to jump out the window, so I decide to get up and go downstairs.

I'm wearing some different pyjamas, these ones a little more conservative than the last, which is good because it's cold tonight.

Ahsoka is still out and I learned that Obi won't be back for a few days, so it will be okay if I wonder around the house for awhile.

I make my way out the bedroom and look down the hallway. It's dimly lit by the light on in Anakin's room. His door is open too.
I get worried for a moment— thinking something may be wrong, so I walk to his bedroom and look inside.

He's sitting on his bed wearing his usual sleep attire, sweatpants and no shirt.
He looks up at me when I stand in the doorway.
He smiles, running his hand through his hair.
"Are you okay?" He asks me. I nod, returning his smile.

"Yeah, I just saw your light on and came to check on you..." he lets a soft chuckle leave his lips, then pats the empty space beside him.
I walk in and sit down next to him.
He smells like vanilla which I didn't expect. I expected a beer and sweat scent from a boy his age.

"Storm keeping you up?" He asks knowingly. I nod, sighing tiredly.
I hate feeling so restless.

"Yeah. You?" I tilt my head in his direction.

He shakes his head. "No, actually... I was thinking about earlier." He pauses, looking down at me with a guilty expression. "What he said about you, it made me so angry and I just..." he pauses and shakes his head, staring at the same spot on the ground. "I wanted to hurt him. I've never felt like that before."

I feel bad because this is all my fault. If I'd never been there, Nate wouldn't have acted up and Ani wouldn't have beat him up... it's my fault Ani feels so guilty right now.

"The worst part is, I don't even feel bad about it. I'd do it again if I could. Does that make me a terrible person?" He looks at me, seeming answers with his sad, worried eyes. I shake my head.

"No. He's the bad person, Ani. You were just doing good by me. And I'm sorry you felt like you had to do that."
I look away from him, ashamed in myself for allowing Nate to get the better of me again.

"You have nothing to be sorry about. Yes, I did do it because he was talking about you, but you didn't ask me to do it. I did it on my own influence. Don't feel bad, love."

I feel warmth over my fingers and look down. His hand is laying over mine, gripping firmly but gently, in a way that makes me feel somewhat safe.

"You wanna get some sleep?" He says softer, his hand reaching up to move some of my hair behind my ear.
I inhale sharply at his touch. I'll never get used to the kindness he treats me with.

I nod in response and start to stand up, but his grip on my hand tightens.
"Stay with me?" I look up at him, softening at the hopeful look in his blue eyes.


Smiling, he lets go of my hand and stands up, walking to the light switch by his door.
I get under the covers and watch as he dims the light—but doesn't turn it off all the way.
He must remember I don't like the dark.

He makes his way back to the bed and gets in beside me, leaving only a few inches between us.
It's silent for a second as he settles in, but once his eyes meet mine, he smiles.
"Just so you know," he wets his bottom lip. "I don't regret kissing you. I'd do it again if you'd let me."
I glance down at his lips unintentionally.
I remember how his lips felt, how soft and gentle he was with me. I'd give anything to feel it again.

"You don't?" He shakes his head, chuckling quietly.

"I could never regret it," he pauses to lift his hand up to my cheek and gently strokes my jawline with his thumb.
"But I know you're nervous, and after today, I understand why. I just want you to know that I don't regret it. Not even a little bit." He whispers the last part and gives me a smile that goes straight to my heart.

So he really doesn't regret it? Even after everything he knows about me he still doesn't see me as beneath him, and the realisation is fixing a part of me I didn't know was broken until now.

Despite his reassurance and despite everything he just said, my mouth still utters the words I feel so deeply in my heart.
"I don't deserve you,"
He frowns, but not in a way that expresses anger, more in a way that seems... sad.
I'm waiting for the words of realisation from him. He has to be aware by now that he doesn't deserve to be around someone like me.
I'm preparing for the worst, but it never comes.

Instead, he goes against every doubt I have and kisses me.

His hand stays resting on my cheek and he leans forward, slightly over me to get the dominant angle. I allow him to lead, and tangle my fingers in his hair, sighing against his lips when his hips push against mine.
He eventually nestled between my legs so he's on top of me, and when I move my hand from his hair he grips it with his own to hold against the pillow beneath me.

I'm seeing stars, feeling electric, all while wondering how a man as perfect as him is putting all this attention on me.

I've never had much, and money would solve a lot of my problems, but this... this feeling he gives me, solves every problem I've ever had.
When he's kissing me, everything bad ceases to exist.

His lips are on my neck now, leaving love bites in direction of my shirt.
He kisses me all over, everywhere I have exposed skin, but never attempts to undress me.
I don't know if I'm thankful or disappointed about that.

"Ani," i whisper, shivering when his lips brush my ear.

"Hm?" He kisses my jaw and my lips part involuntarily. "Do you wanna stop?" He looks into my eyes, his finger stroking a line over my bottom lip.

"No," I answer too quickly. "Please don't stop."
That's all the confirmation he needs before he's kissing me again.
His hands roam my body in the places his lips doesn't, but he never gets too touchy, or rough enough for me to feel uncomfortable.
Because although I want this, I have a hard time trusting, and he knows that.
I can tell he understands in the way he touches me, gently and patiently.

I'm not sure how long we stay like that, but it's long enough for the storm to pass and my eyes to get heavy.
And so, much to my disappointment, his lips leave mine and he moves from on top of me.

I'm about to fall asleep right then, but he pulls me closer until my head is on his chest and his arms are around me.
I close my eyes and allow myself to fall asleep knowing I'm safe right here in his arms.

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