Chapter seven

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The next day was a blur.
I woke up at 1pm with Ani still asleep next to me, so I waited for him to wake up before moving.
He woke soon after and we got up, dressed and decided to order food for lunch to avoid cooking.

We didn't do much apart from eat, nap and watch movies together.
Our movie marathon started because I let it slip in a conversation that I'd never seen titanic, and Anakin took that personally and made me watch the entire three hour movie.

It was good, despite Anakin's personal beef with the floating door, and we ended up watching other movies I hadn't seen that Ani claimed would change my life.

Those movies consisted of Shrek, mean girls and another movie I can't remember the name of, but it was about a large green frog that fought its enemies with a laser stick.
Regardless of my confusion, I enjoyed spending quality time with him.

It was around 6pm when Ahsoka got home, wearing one of Cal's sweaters and a wrinkled skirt.
Anakin scolded her for not messaging him all day, but she just shrugged him off and went to her room to nap.
At least she's home in one piece.

I decided not to bother Ahsoka that night upon her sleepy arrival, so I accepted Anakins offer to go to his bedroom with him for company.

He's sitting on his bed now, watching me walk around his room to look at all his stuff on the sides. There's a lot of pictures of him and his family, which I find sweet.

"Is this your mom?" I ask quietly, pointing to a picture of a woman holding a young, blonde child.
He nods, watching me closely from his spot on the bed. "She's pretty." I think out loud.
She has long, blonde hair, much like Ahsokas, blue eyes and a smile identical to Anakin's.

"Of course she is. She's related to me." I give him an incredulous look, which he snorts at.
"But seriously, yes, she was beautiful. Not just on the outside." I look at him, understanding from his reference to her in past tense that she passed away.
"You remind me a lot of her." He smiles softly and my heart skips at his compliment.

"How so?" I walk over to the bed and sit beside him. He never takes his eyes off of me.

"You're quiet, but you're so sweet. She was like that before she got to know someone. And you have a beautiful mind. The way you speak always seems so meaningful. My mother was a writer, so she had a way with words too." I smile and lay back on his bed to listen to him talk.

His voice is so soothing I could just fall asleep listening to him.
"I wish she could meet you." He says quietly. "I think she would've loved you."

"She sounds wonderful, Ani." He looks down at me, and when he sees me laying down, he lays down too so we're both staring at the ceiling.

"My dad would've hated you." I admit with a chuckle. He was a good man, but he had a thing about boys coming near me. Not that I blame him.

Ani laughs and turns to look at me.

"He just loved me too much to let boys near me. He died when I was 9, but he was threatening all the little kids that asked me out at school." I smile at the memory of him chasing the boys that had crushes on me around the playground.

"Did you live with him before...?" I know what he's asking.
Was my mother in the picture before he died.

"I lived with both of my parents. My mom wasn't always the way she is now. His death put a lot of stress on her, and she just... lost it."
She not only lost her husband, she lost her mind, and her daughter in the midst of it all.

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