Chapter eight

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I decide to sleep in my own bed tonight.
Not because I don't want Anakin's company, but because I don't want to rely on someone else for security.
I want to be brave enough to feel safe by myself, even if being alone with my own thoughts is daunting.

Anakin walked me to my room and gave me a kiss on the cheek before we went our separate ways, which I thought was very sweet of him.

It didn't take me long to fall asleep, and by a miracle, I slept through the night and woke up well rested and excited for the day ahead.
I got maybe 5 minutes in bed before my door flung open.

Ahsoka is standing there with a wide smile. "You're going on a date with my brother?"
I feel heat rise to my face as I nod.

"Are you upset?"

"Upset? God, no of course not! We're gonna be sisters for real," she bounces over to me and takes a seat on my bed.
I laugh at her, finding her enthusiasm both adorable and intimidating.

"He told me he's taking you out at 11:45. That's in a few hours, and I've already picked you some outfits to choose from,"
What would I do without her? I hadn't even thought about an outfit.
"For your hair, I was thinking down and curled? Minimal makeup, in case you go in the water. You don't need it anyway." She's rambling now, talking enthusiastically with her hands. "You should wear the bikini I got you under your dress, too. Go shower while I iron your clothes."
She stands up and pulls my blanket off, hurrying me along with quick claps of her hands.

"Thank you, Soka." I giggle and do as she says, making my way to the bathroom. "You're the best." She nods playfully.

"Of course I am. And don't forget to shave," she winks and my jaw drops.
She's gone before I can even reply.
She's going to drive me insane by the end of today.


I take a long look at myself in the mirror. I almost don't recognise the person staring back—she looks too good to be true.
The dress I'm wearing over my bikini is a light blue dress that hugs my body in all the right places, enhancing all of my curves.
My hair is loose over my shoulders, curled just like Ahsokas vision, and my makeup looks natural, but puts focus on my the colour of my eyes which the blue dress helps to bring out.

I look... pretty. I hope Anakin thinks so too.
"Are you ready?" I smile at Ahsoka and nod.

"Thank you for helping me get ready. You never fail to make me feel pretty." I wrap my arms around her and bring her in for a hug, which she immediately returns.

"You are pretty. Anakin's gonna die when he sees you." She grins at me, gripping my hand with hers.
"Let's go find him."

The walk downstairs is nerve wracking. What if he doesn't like my dress? What if he hates my hair? He might back out at the last minute, or decide he doesn't want to take me out.
I'm about to turn around and run away when I see him standing by the door.

He looks handsome, as always, and is wearing dark wash jeans and a white shirt which he pulls off too well for such a simple look.
He's holding flowers.

We reach him and I smile, watching as he holds out the flowers for me to take.
They're roses, my favourite flower.

"Just when I thought you couldn't get any more beautiful," He shakes his head, his eyes glancing down my body. "You prove me wrong."

I take the flowers and bite my lip to hold back my smile. I've never been given flowers before.
"Thank you, Ani. These are really pretty." I smile down at the flowers, noticing that each thorn has been removed too, making them easier to hold.

"You like them? I wasn't sure which flowers you'd like the most, so I went with roses."
He's smiling softly, a little shyly even.

"Roses are my favourite," I touch a petal, feeling how soft and fresh they are. "You chose well."
I give him a grateful smile before turning to Ahsoka who's watching us with a wide grin.
"Can you look after these for me, Soka?"
She nods and takes them from me carefully.

"I'll put them in some water for you. Have fun guys." She gives me a mischievous grin before walking away to give us some privacy.

"Ready? I know somewhere I think you'll like, and it's close to the beach too so we can go there after." he offers me his hand which I happily take, letting him lead me out the door.

My stomach is a mess of butterflies and nerves as we walk town the pathway to the car.
I think he's nervous too, because he's rambling about sand again.
Knowing he's nervous too oddly makes me feel better.

When we reach the car, he opens the door for me and I thank him with a quick kiss on the cheek. He smiles the most beautiful smile as I sit down, then closes my door for me.

The drive there is filled with quiet background music and a conversation about Obi's businesses and how they work.
I knew they were rich, but I didn't know they were that rich. It's a little intimidating.

When we arrive, Anakin suggests we eat our picnic on the grass at the top of the hill to avoid eating sand, to which I agree, so we set up on a spot where we can overlook the beach.

I laid out the blanket while Ani got the food, and once we sat down to eat we got to talking about anything and everything.
It's strange that I've only known him for such a short time, because I already feel like I can open up to him. So when he asks me questions about my family, I answer him honestly.
It's nice being able to tell the truth.

After an hour, we end up laying down side by side on the blanket, full of fruit and croissants that Obi had made the day before.
Ani has his arm out for me to rest my head on and my arms are around his waist.
I've never felt so safe in someone's arms before.

"You're not like I thought you'd be." I admit.
His gaze shifts from my lips to my eyes.

"How so?"

"With Nate, everything moved so fast. It felt like I was constantly chasing him, but he never stopped for me unless he wanted something. If I needed anything, he'd ignore me until I stopped asking for help.
But you helped me before I even asked," I recall the night I met him.
"I didn't think people as good as you were real."
I turn my head to look at him when his hand rests on my cheek.

"I'm real, sweetheart. And you don't have to chase me, I promise." He smiles playfully, tracing a finger across my jawline.
I smile at the gesture, trying not to let him see how affected I am by the simplest touch.
"Does it worry you? Being close to me like this?" I shake my head, which is the truth.

"No. I know you aren't like him." He smiles with a hint of pride for me.

"That's good." He leans over and presses a quick kiss to my forehead. I never knew it could feel so healing to be kissed.
"I was thinking you might be worried about this," he pauses for a moment. "Thing... between us." I give him a little smile and shake my head.

"I like this thing between us." I admit, watching as his lips pull into a heartbreakingly beautiful smile.

"Y/n," he says softly. "I know it's frowned upon to ask for a kiss before the end of the date," I grin up at him, knowing what he's about to ask. "But please can I kiss you?"
I giggle, resting on my elbows so I'm slightly above him.

"Since you said please," I lean down and kiss him, smiling against his lips when his arms pull me on top of him.
In this moment, everything is perfect.

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