Chapter 1

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AN: Ok so this is my first FanFic. I haven't wrote anything like this ever. I wont be able to upload very often but will try to do it whenever I can. Please bear with me I'm not very good at this sort of stuff.

Anyway please enjoy my FanFic. Thanks.


Chapter 1

Sara's POV

I can't do it anymore. I can't live here with him. Not after I saw him beat my mum. Because of him my mum has a black eye and a broken arm. We thought he loved her but obviously not. Just because she was late home from work he beat her. He already beats me now my mum too.

My mum said when I was little her and my real dad broke up leaving my older brother and sister with him and her taking me. I found out not long ago that my brother was apart of the boy band One Direction. I found this out when I was watching the X factor one time and my mum saw Harry audition, she told me about him and my sister, about what happened and that I was too young to remember it. When they came 3rd on the X factor I was really upset for Harry. For him not winning and living his dream. Then when they carried on after I was so happy.

The other I was out with my friends Lily, Abi, and Rose when we saw a poster for a One Direction signing. I couldn't believe it I had to go. I needed to meet Harry.

I told my mum about it and she told me to go for it. She found out a picture of all 3 of us, me Harry and Gemma. Rose was going to come with me as Lily and Abi were busy.

Rose came and picked me up from home and we made our way to the mall where the signing was. Rose was wearing blue denim shorts with a white T-shirt with a scarf and brown sandals. Her red hair pulled up into a messy bun. Whereas I was wearing black skinny jeans and a brown long sleeved top with bracelets on my wrists with brown boots.

"Do you have the picture?" she asked me.

"Yes it's in my bag." I said smiling back at her.

"What are you going to say to him?"

"I'm not really sure. I will show him the picture then explain that he is my brother."

"Sounds like a good plan." She laughed as we pulled up outside the mall. We got out of the car and made our way inside to HMV where there was a long line of girls waiting to see them. Rose had brought one of their CD's with her for them to sign. I didn't bother I only needed to see Harry.

We were slowly making our way to the front of the line. Security only letting 4 people through at a time. I was close now I could hear their voices slightly over all the talking of excited girls.

"Don't worry it's going to be ok." Rose said trying to calm me. I smiled back at her before reaching into my bag and pulling the picture out. It was me as a baby being held by an older girl and a small boy standing at her side with green eyes and brown curly hair smiling showing off his white teeth and dimples.

"Next 4 please." The security shouted.

This is it time to meet my brother. Me and Rose made our way through the barrier and made our way over to the table. Harry was at the other end of the table so I had to speak to the others first. Rose stayed at my side. We first came to Liam who sat smiling at us.

"Hello girls, what are your names?" He asked looking at me and Rose.

"Hello I'm Rose and this is Sara." Rose answered smiling at Liam. I turned my head and looked at Harry who lifted his head and looked over at me when Rose had said my name. He saw me looking and smiled. I smiled back before turning back to Liam.

"Is there anything you want me to sign for you?"

"Just this please." Rose said handing him her CD. He smiled taking it from her and signing it. He turned and smiled at me.

"Do you have anything for me to sign?"

"No sorry." I said giving a small smile.

"That's fine. Hope you two have a great day. Thank you for coming out."

The same thing happened as we made our way down the table until we came up to Niall. My favourite in the band. He sat smiling showing his braces, his blue eyes looking into my green ones.

"Hello love's. How are you?" Niall asked in his amazing Irish accent.

"Fine thank you. How are you?" I answered smiling.

"Great. How can I help? Do you want anything signed?" He asked looking straight at me. Rose handed him her CD for him to sign.

"And what are your names?" He asked us.

"I'm Rose and this is my friend Sara." I turned to see the brown curly haired boy next to Niall looking at me smiling. I smiled back and faced back to Niall he had finished signing the CD and had handed it back to Rose.

"Don't you have anything?" He asked me.

I shook my head slightly before saying "Sorry."

"Its fine just a hug then." He smiled before standing up and hugging me. He pulled away and smiled at me. I smiled back before I turned to Rose who gave me a reassuring smile knowing I was nervous as Harry was next. I held tightly to the picture as I turned to stand in front of him. He sat smiling showing off his dimples.

"Hello," he said.

I smiled back before I handed him the picture. He looked confused at me noticing I haven't given anything to the other boys. He looked down at the picture in shock.

"I don't understand. Where did you get this from?" He asked not taking his eyes off the picture.

The baby in the picture is me." I answered shyly. He looked up at me then.


I nodded. "How do you know about me?"

"We have the same picture at home my dad told us about our little sister called Sara and how my mum took her with her when mum and dad split up. How did you know this was me?"

"When you auditioned for the X factor I was watching and mum saw and told me about you then showed me this picture."

"Do you think you can wait for me until after all of this?"

"Sure where?"

"With security over by the back of the shop."


Rose spoke up then. "Sorry to ruin the moment Sara but can you sign this please Harry?"

"Who are you?"

"Rose. Sara's friend."

"Sure." He took the CD from her signed it and handed it back to her.

"Thank you."

He stood up and hugged me before calling security over and asking them to stay with me and Rose. He smiled at us before sitting back down and carried on with the signing.

The security led us to a room at the back of the shop which I presumed was the staff room. The security guard sat with us at a table and started to speak.

"Hello, I'm Paul. The main security for the boys. Harry has asked me to look after you until the end of the signing. He said you can stay here and wait or give me your phone number and I will give it to Harry and he will text you when he is done so you girls can go shopping." He explained to us.

"We will go shopping." Rose said giving Paul my number. He smiled before letting us out and made his way over to Harry who gave Paul his phone to put the number into. He looked over and smiled before we made our way out of the shop.


AN: As I said at the start this is my first FanFic so please just bear with me. Let me know what you think so far

DISCONTINUED I will always love you (Niall Horan FanFic)Where stories live. Discover now