Chapter 6

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A/N: Ok so this is going to be the last chapter for a while. I have got really bad writers block and I have no idea where to go with this story.

By the way has everyone listened to midnight memories. I love it. I can't decide what my favourite song is though. It is either You & I, Strong, or Half a heart. What is your favourite song?


Chapter 6

Sara's POV

I walked back stage with the other girls. I feel so stupid. Why did I have to cry during Little Things? They are probably going to ask me why I cried now. I will have to explain what had happened when I still lived with my mum. I will have to explain to them all that I used to cut and then I will have them judging me. I know that Harry won't judge me but will Liam? Louis? Zayn? Will Niall?

We walked into their dressing room and I immediately felt Niall wrap his arms around my waist.

"Are you ok? Why were you crying?" He whispered into my ear.

"I'm fine. But if I tell you, will you promise not to judge me or tell the other boys?" I whispered back. He pulled back and looked into my eyes and nodded. He pulled me towards the back of the room and sat down in a chair pulling me down onto his lap.

I took in a deep breath before telling him. "When I lived with my mum; my step dad, Jack, used to beat me and mum. He beat me when mum wasn't home. After every time it happened I would go up to my room and listen to Little Things to try and stop me from doing something stupid. But sometimes it didn't work. So the song just brought back memories from that time." I told him while playing with his fingers.

"Sara what did you do when the song didn't help?" He asked looking me in the eyes.

I sighed before looking down at my wrist. I looked back up to Niall uncertainly. He smiled at me before saying. "Don't worry love. I won't judge you no matter how bad it is."

I smiled at him before looking back at my wrist and pulling the sleeve of Niall's jacket up so that he could see the scars that decorated my wrist. I heard him take in a sharp intake of breath. He reached out and traced along them.

"When was the last time you did this?" He asked not taking his eyes from the scars.

"A week before I met you." I said barely above a whisper.

"Why did you do it?" He whispered back before looking back at my face. I could see sadness in his ocean blue eyes.

"I needed away to release all the pain. I felt this was the only way how." I said back. My eyes not leaving his. He pulled me into a tight hug, wrapping his arms around my waist.

"Does anyone else know?"

"Only Rose, Abi and Lily."

"If you ever feel like doing it again come and speak to me."

"Don't worry Niall I will."

"Come on we should go back to the hotel. The fans should be gone by now." We heard Liam say before he made his way out of the door holding Abi's hand everyone following behind him. I stood up off of Niall and started to walk towards the door. I felt someone lace their fingers through mine. As soon as his skin touched mine I felt sparks. Niall. I looked up and smiled at him before following everyone out towards the limo.

I sat between Niall and Harry. Niall still hadn't let go of my hand. I looked down at our entwined hands and smiled at them.

"Hey sis are you ok?" Harry asked me snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Yeah I'm fine how are you?"

"I'm great. Why were you crying during the concert?"

"I was just emotional that's all. No need to worry." I said smiling up at him.

"You know you can tell me anything right?"

"I know and I will tell you Haz. Just not yet."

"Ok. As long as you are ok."

When we got back to the hotel there was a crowd of fans waiting to see the boys. The boys got out and all we heard was screaming. Me and the girls followed after them as they were taking pictures and signing things as they made their way towards the hotel.

When we got inside I walked straight into mine and Niall's room and sat down on the bed. Niall followed me in shortly after and sat next to me. I looked up and smiled at him.

"Thank you for not telling the others." I said.

"I would never do something you didn't want me to." He said wrapping his arms around me in a hug. I wrapped my arms around his torso and buried my head in his neck. He squeezed me tighter before pulling back a little. He looked me straight in the eyes before I saw his eyes flicker down to my lips. I did the same to him. We slowly lent in our lips meeting in the middle.

As soon as our lips touched there was fireworks. The fire works were stronger than before whenever we touched. Our lips moved together perfectly. They fit together as if they were made for each other. I felt his tongue run along my bottom lip asking for entrance which I gladly gave him. Our tongues danced together, him exploring my mouth. We finally pulled back when we both needed air.

"That was amazing." Niall said still trying to even out his breathing. I felt my cheeks heat up and I smiled down at my hands nodding at his comment. I couldn't help but wonder if Niall felt the fireworks too. Does him kissing me mean that he likes me in the same way? What does this make us?

"Sara are you ok?" Niall asked lifting my chin up with his finger.

"Yeah I'm fine. I was just thinking." I answered giving him a shy smile.

"What was you thinking about?" He asked taking my hand in his and playing with my fingers.

"It doesn't matter."

"Please tell me." He said giving me a puppy dog face.

"I was wondering if you liked me the same way that I like you."

"And in what way do you like me?" He asked smiling at me.

"I like you more than a friend."



"Yes . Because that means we both feel the same about each other." He said looking up from our hands smiling. I can't believe it. Niall likes me back. But that still makes me wonder what we are.

"What are we Niall?"

"Anything you want to be." He said before leaning in and pressing his lips to mine again.


I hope that you liked this chapter. Please tell me what you think

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