Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

Sara's POV

“Text the other’s and see if they can meet up for coffee.” Rose said as we made our way around the mall. I pulled out my phone and made a group text…

To: Abs, Lily

Hey me and Rose wondering if you want to meet for coffee at the mall? X

I hit send and waited for them to reply. We were walking to Starbucks when my phone buzzed in my hand.

From: Abs

Sure on my way. See you there xx

From: Lily

On my way

“Their coming.” I told Rose as we walked in and found a table in the window. We were sat for about 15 minutes when Abi and Lily finally arrived. Abi had her brown curly hair pulled into a pony tail. She was wearing white skinny jeans, a stripy top black blazer a bright pink scarf and pink shoes to match the scarf. Lily had her short black hair down with a few waves in it. She was wearing pink skinny jeans, a short black top sandals and wing earrings.

“So how did it go?” Abi asked once she had got a drink.

“He knew about me. He asked how I had got the picture and he said he had it at home and dad had told him about me and that mum had taken me with her when she left.”

“So he didn’t act weird or anything?” “Nope he was just in shock really he asked me and Rose to wait so we gave him my number and he will text me when he is done.”

“Can we come with you? We feel really bad not being there for you when you met him.” Lily said

“Sure I don’t think he will mind.” I said as I felt my phone buzz in my pocket.

From: Unknown

Hey we have finished now. You can come back. Hazza xx

I quickly saved his number as ‘Hazza’ then turned to the girls.

“You ready to meet them?” I asked Abi and Lily. They smiled at me so I took it as a yes. I picked up my drink and we all made our way to HMV. When we went inside the boys weren’t there. Paul spotted me walk through the door and made his way over.

“Sara, Harry and the boys are in the room we were in earlier. He said to go in there.”

“Ok. Is it ok if my friends come in too?” I asked him.


He let us pass him as we walked over to the staff room we were in before. Knocking on the door we heard a raspy voice shout ‘come in’. I slowly opened the door to find the boys staring at us.

“Sara. Thanks for coming back,” Harry said smiling. “Who are your other friends?”

“Oh this is Abi and Lily.” I said pointing them out.

“Nice to meet you.”

I walked over to Harry while the girls went and sat with the other boys.

“Sara what made you come out and meet me?” He asked

“Well mum has told me about you and I wanted to meet you for myself and mum was hoping that by coming to meet you then I can get away from home.”

“Why what’s happening at home?” Harry asked concerned. Worry clear in his green eyes.

“He beats me and mum.”

DISCONTINUED I will always love you (Niall Horan FanFic)Where stories live. Discover now