Chapter 3

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AN: Sorry it has taken me so long to update been busy with school work and everything else. Please tell me what you think of this chapter.


Chapter 3

Niall's POV

We walked into the hotel with Sara at my side. I can't help but smile around her. When I first saw at the signing I felt a weird feeling at the bottom of my stomach. I have never felt like that before but it was an amazing feeling. As we were about to walk into the hotel room, Harry pulled me over to the side.

"Niall do you think it will be ok if Sara shares your room with you?" He asked me.

"That's fine no problem." I said smiling at him. Yes this means I get to spend more time with her. with the girl who's smile basically lights up my whole world and I cant help but smile too.

"Thanks mate it means a lot." Harry said smiling before walking back over to Louis.

The girls came back to the hotel with us so Sara isn't alone with us for a while. So she feels more comfortable getting to know us while her friends are here I guess. We were in the hotel room and I was sat on the two seater by myself when Sara came to sit next to me.

"Harry said I am sharing a room with you. Are you sure that is alright?" She asked quietly.

"Sure it is love. I don't mind at all." I said smiling back at her.

"Thank you." She answered giving me a small smile.

"No problem."

Everyone else came in the room then. Everyone seemed pretty close already. Rose was staying close to Harry, Lily with Zayn and Abi with Liam. We all sat around talking for a while getting to know each other.

"I'm hungry." I said looking around at everyone.

"You always are. How about we order Pizza?" Louis asked.

we all nodded in agreement while Liam got up to order the food. I noticed that as we have been sitting there Sara had slowly moved closer to my side. I put my arm around the back of the two seater behind her. She smiled at me before resting her head on my shoulder.

"Let's play truth or dare." Louis shouted excitedly

We all agreed and Louis asked the first question.

"Sara, truth or dare?"


"Who is your favourite in the band?" Louis asked her

She blushed and looked down at her fingers and mumbled something that I couldn't understand.

"What was that? I couldn't here you." Louis asked smirking.

"Niall." She said blushing even more. I smiled maybe that means she likes me too..

"What about me?" Louis asked fake crying on Harry's shoulder while Harry patted his back.

"Well you're cool and everything but come on, look at him. He is amazing, he has amazing eyes and his Irish accent is really cute." She said blushing even more. I couldn't help but smile at her answer. We carried on with the game for a while and ate the pizza when it was finally delivered. It was getting quite late by the time we finished.

"Why don't you girls stay tonight and we will take you back tomorrow?" Zayn suggested to the girls.

"Would you mind though? We wouldn't want to be in your way." Rose said.

"You will be fine." Zayn reassured her.

We all separated going into different rooms. Sara followed me into our room and opened up her suitcase looking for some pyjamas.

"I will go to the bathroom and get changed." I said walking towards the bathroom. She smiled at me before I walked out. Once I had finished I knocked on the bedroom door and heard a faint 'come in.' I opened the door and saw Sara in a Batman tank top and Batman pyjama bottoms. She smiled shyly at me before pulling her suitcase off of the double bed.

"Which side do you want me to sleep?" She asked looking down at the floor.

"Which ever side you want."

She smiled at me before walking over to the bed and climbing in. I smiled at her before turing the light off and climbing in next to her.

"Niall?" She asked getting my attention.


"Did you mind me saying you were my favourite in the band?"

"No I liked that you chose me."


"Yeah." She turned to face me and moved closer. Without thinking I wrapped my arms around her waist with her cuddling into my chest. She blushed but smiled shyly.

"Thank you." She whispered.

"For what?"

"Letting me stay with you."

"It's my pleasure." I said smiling down at her.

"Goodnight Nialler." She said before cuddling closer into my chest.

"Goodnight Sara."


AN: I'm sorry if there are any mistakes. please let me know what you think. hope you like this chapter

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