chapter 4

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Akaashi was back home and the house smelled like it was burning, there was smoke and akaashi rushed to the kitchen. Turns out someone left the stove open and immediately turned it off "phew" he thought

He then went to his room and took a nice shower, Put on some comfy clothes and dried his hair. "Oh right..the note" he took the note out of his backpack and opened it

Hello again~ it's me! I just wanted to say you look extra pretty today :), I can't help but stare!! (Does that sound weird? Sorry if I made you uncomfortable)


"What the fuck" he said, he read it again and again, hoping to find at least a secret meaning. But can't, he gave up

"At least they signed it, but damn that handwriting is so hard to read" he placed the note into a file and took his phone out, wasting his time on social media

Right when he wanted to grab a snack he suddenly thought "should I write them back? But how should I give it to I leave it in my locker and wait for them..or" akaashi kept thinking a way to find this secret person but in the end all it did was make his head hurt

"I should stop. Later I'm going to overthink it and it's just going to make it worst" akaashi got up and went downstairs to grabbed a water and some snacks

"But it did mention that they are a third that's how they're able to slide those notes in" if you're confused, third years and second years don't have the same break time

"And I can't just leave class just to see who it was..or maybe I can, but they are school hall monitors so I'm basically back to square one.."

"I want to die honestly"

Poor kaashi~ just be patient and maybe they might revealed themselves 😉
Thanks for reading btw 🥳

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