chapter 13

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Akaashi pov:

I opened my locker and another note was there, jeez do these things stop? "Another one?" Kenma asked

"Yeah..hey any chance you know who these are from..?"

"No, why?" Damn, I thought i could get some more info

"No reason" I stuffed the note in my bag and got my books for my next class, which is... history fucked

I walked to class alone and when I reached, my teacher was already there and the class is empty like there were at least 3 students there

I sat in my seat and took out my note book to doodle, I honestly love doodling and it helps me alot

Soon the bell rang and class started, "alright before we start. I just want to say, tomorrow is the holiday, so I hope everyone can enjoy their time" yeah no, I know you are about to assign us homework

"Alright let's get started" class was the same as usual, nothing really new I was honestly waiting for class to end so I can actually go back and do nothing

About 2 hours later, class finally finished, I packed my things and everybody was already out the door

I left my class and saw atsumu waiting for me "keji, hi!"


"I'm about to go watch the volleyball match, wanna see?" I mean why not, I haven't watched it for two days straight so yeah

"I heard a private school is going up against them"


"Yeah but don't worry, bokuto is definitely gonna crushed them"

"Sure, I can't wait" eh, I got nothing better to do. We made it to the court and sat down not so close but not so far

"looks like they're here"

"Oh yeah" they I guess, but one stood out and that was bokuto

We met eyes and I smiled at him, he waved hello to me and I waved back, no wonder a lot of girls like him, he's so cheerful

Atsumu was so quiet, I was suspicious of it. He's never quiet! "Is there anything you saw that made you so quiet?"

"Uh yeah! That guy is so fucking hot I think I'm losing my mind!" He pointed at a guy, but I'm not so sure who is it since all I see is him pointing at the middle of two persons

"Uhm..the brown hair dude?"

"The fuck no, the black hair dude"

"Oh.." I looked and he's okay looking, I can see why he likes him but definitely not my type

"He's okay.."

"OKAY!? bitch- he's the most good looking person better than motherfucker oikawa. Hope he's single"

"Good luck" don't want you becoming like oikawa, one is enough

The match started, and at first I was so confident that bokuto's team is going to win but I was so wrong. Right now, we are 4 points off, which mean right now we are 11 Vs 15

"I actually don't know who I'm rooting for, our team or the opponents team"

I usually don't like volleyball that much but this, this is getting intense!

But in the end, the opponent's team won with 2 sets while our team with 0. Man, that tall guy atsumu is simping for, is really powerful especially his spikes

And who may that be??? 🤨

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