chapter 14

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"Good game sakusa"

"Not bad yourself"before they left the two had a little chat plus komori

"Next time go easy on me, we lost to your three times"

"Bokuto, you know sakusa won't go easy on you. He barely goes easy on me during practice"

"Man! I thought we were good friends!"

"Where'd you get that idea" bokuto gasp but he laughed it off, the owl head said goodbye to the two and went to clean the court

Meanwhile, akaashi and atsumu left after seeing the results, atsumu was a bit confused whether he should be happy or sad

"He's so hot, I'm like freaking out!"

"Omg! The way he wipes his sweat, I'm obsessed"

"Y'all crazy. You and oikawa"

"Fuck you Mr. I have bitches because of my looks"

"At least I have bitches"

"I have bitches too!"

"Whatever you say" the two walked out of the school and saw the volleyball team going inside the bus, atsumu saw the guy he was simping over and went crazy, akaashi was already thinking of leaving him

Akaashi and atsumu walked away well more like akaashi pulling atsumu way before he embarrassed him more

Little did atsumu know, the guy was looking at him


"Bye! See ya tomorrow" akaashi went inside his house and like always took a shower before doing his homework. Yes he had homework

After his homework was finished, he took the note out and opened it

Did ya miss me~ I bet you did ;), anyways another day, another fact

I really love the sky, especially in the dark. The sky is so beautiful, I love it ♡


"Okay..that's weird" akaashi still hasn't figured it out why someone would sent notes, and also who the person is

There's really nothing in the notes where it tells akaashi the person

All he knows is that this person has a k, heck he doesn't even know if they're a guy or a girl

"I'm really annoyed, I mean the first sentence is someone atsumu would definitely write. But he's a second year so he couldn't place it in without me looking. So it can't be him"

"Then who is it!" Akaashi sighed and placed the note in a little file. In truth, Akaashi was getting more and more curious who this special person is

"Is there something they want to say to me because right now I have a feeling they're planning on killing me" akaashi thought, since well it is July where most people kill people or themselves but let's not think that

Nah bae, you are over thinking it 😢

And did y'all spot the secret I put in here??? I think you guess did 😅

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