chapter 19

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Akaashi pov:

The party was so much fun, I didn't have this much fun in such a long time

"See you tomorrow bokuto-san" I waved goodbye and he left with kuroo-san

"Oo~ akaashi is saying goodbye to his boyfriend~"

"Oikawa shut up before I actually told iwaizumi what happened last Monday"

"NO SHUT THE FUCK UP!" That's what I thought! But I did think about what he said, my boyfriend? We don't even like each other, what a weirdo

But maybe I did catch a bit of feelings for him, he's nice and hot and..I think I should shut up now

I stayed at oikawa's for a while until my parents come and pick me up "kaashi bae, do you have hair tie with you?" Kenma asked, jeez sometimes i wonder why not buy his own "yeah, let me get it"

I went toy bag and found something in it, not my usual things but a letter. Wait don't tell me..

"Here you go" kenma thanked me with a little bow and tied his hair up "I'm keeping this by the way"

"Yeah yeah" he's going to loose it anyways so might as well let him

"Kaashi-san~ your mom is here!" Oikawa yelled, I said my goodbyes to everyone and went into my mom's car "how's the party?"

"Fun" she smiled and droved back home. When i was back to my room, I immediately went and took the note out of my bag

"Why is this doing in here" I didn't put it in when I got to the that means one of those people are the one who wrote this..okay that's easier I guess

So my options are down to
Kiyoomi and komori..okay I'm just going to take a while guess and down it to koutarou, kiyoomi and komori since Kuroo and kenma are dating

But knowing komori, he's not someone to be in a relationship in well not with me that's for sure so kiyoomi and koutarou..

Honestly, I don't see both of them suitable for me, no offense though..

But I guess if I had to choose one.. I'll choose

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