chapter 24- the end

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After 4 months of dating, akaashi and bokuto felt comfortable next to each other to the point, bokuto invited akaashi to his house almost every day

Of course akaashi didn't mind, he could help him study and spend some time with him so win win

The two also got comfortable kissing and touching, but not that kind of touching more like hugging

Akaashi felt happy, he never regretted liking bokuto

It was like something sweet came into his bitter world and he loved it



"I love you so much!"

"I love you too bokuto-san"

I guess everybody has their happy ending, it's like what they say. You first suffer then you'll have your results at the end

And that works for many other things as well

Well, that's the end of this story. If you enjoyed it, I really appreciate it ❤️

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