chapter 12 (iwaoi)

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??? Pov:

"You did not just say that" I was shocked at the way Kuroo was saying it. "Shut up okay!? I know I messed up"

"Nah nah, bro if I were him. I would have called the cops"

"SHUT THE FUCK UP!" But that's not about him. Bokuto thought nobody saw slipped the paper into akaashi's locker but I saw it "you really think you're that sneaky?"

"Shh! Don't say anything" not like I will, seeing akaashi confused face is honestly my hobby like every time he reads a letter his face would change from no expression to a confused face

"Oh we'll see" I smiled

The bell rang and everybody went back to their class, not me tho. Im not feeling math today, so I just waited for my beautiful akaashi to come out

I took out my phone and my earplugs, putting on some music while waiting

날 봐
I AM A 퀸카
IM A 퀸카
IM A 퀸카
IM A, IM A, IM A퀸카
IM A 퀸카 (take a photo)
IM A 퀸카
IM A 퀸카
IM A, IM A, IM A 퀸카
IM A 퀸카

If y'all don't like gidle, y'all boring asf. I opened my eyes and saw a certain brunette which caught my attention. I took off my earplugs and basically ran to them. I know I know, but right now akaashi ain't important

"IWA-CHAN~!" He turned around and basically dropped to the floor with me on top of him "iwa-chan~"

"Oikawa! Get off"

"No~" iwa-chan ended up pushing me off. Jeez am I that light? "Iwa-chan! Pull me up"

"Pull yourself up"

"Ugh!" I stood up and dusted my clothes, and thought for a sec

Wait.."iwa-chan! Let's go to the mall!"

"Hell no"

"Yeah, I'm not taking that answer" I ended up forcing him, if that isn't obvious enough

"Oikawa just let me go"

"No!! I want to hang out"

"Oikawa, we aren't dating. We aren't friends, we aren't anything!" Okay that low-key hurt my feelings

"HMP!" Okay, just because my feelings are hurt doesn't mean I'm showing it

Alright alright, if y'all don't understand imma break it down for y'all. I used to be in a private school years ago but after my parents arranged a marriage for me I have to transfer, it honestly wasn't that bad. I made friends at least, I also wanted to join the volleyball group and thought since my soon to be husband is there my parents would let me, no they didn't. In fact they told the school to never let me in their after school clubs, the only clubs I can be is either fashion or makeup which honestly sucks. Since I'm already good in fashion and I'm already beautiful naturally sooo

The only reason for me to get married is because iwa-chan, my soon to be husband, family is really in debt so my family offered to help only because of iwa-chan

They thought he was good looking and really really handsome and it would make me and him the perfect couple. And that's also the reason why I'm happy my parents always go on business trips

Yeah it would, you and iwa are definitely going to make a great couple, it's just the girlfriend we need to worry about 🤸

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