chapter 21

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"bokuto-san, no you have to multiply it and then plus "bokuto wrote it down and redo it again "like this?"

"Mhm, now let's go to the next question" bokuto pout and he was tired the fact that it hasn't been 10 minutes yet


"Hm? Is it too hard for you?"

"Yes, I'm tired"

"Well do you want to rest?"

"Can we.."

"5 minutes" bokuto hugged the raven haired and pulled him to the bed, relaxing



"Do you like someone?"

"Uhm.." akaashi thought for a while, since he can't seem to find an answer "I don't know"

"You don't know?"

"Mhm, but probably no" bokuto nodded and the two talked for a while. 5 minutes pass and the two went back to study "I hate math! Why is it so annoying"

"It's not annoying, you just need to use logic"

"I hate math!!"

"You got into the school with a scholarship right?"

"Yeah! Volleyball is the only thing that can help"

"I heard you have a game next Thursday?"


"We'll see" they went back to studying, and it was a bit cold since the air conditioning was on. Bokuto noticed and immediately got a blanket for akaashi. The raven haired male had to admit, bokuto was a kind and a Caring person. He wouldn't be such a bad boyfriend, wait what? Akaashi didn't know why he thought that, and he just tried to get his mind off that

"Alright, I'm going to give you a small quiz, I want to see if you have been listening to me"

"Hahhhhhhh...." Akaashi got out a piece of paper and gave it to bokuto, while bokuto did the quiz akaashi was on his phone

Akaashi couldn't help but take a picture which thankfully his phone was on silent mode if not he would have been caught

"I'm done!" Akaashi took the paper and marked it "bokuto-san..urm"

"Is it bad??"

"Not bad, but there's room for improvement!"

"Can we stopp! Im sooo annoyed"

"Alright fine, I'll just teach you next time" bokuto was so happy to be free he almost forgotten he had to bake until akaashi reminded "oh right! My sister is going to come soon! Let's be quick" bokuto took akaasho's arm and pulled him downstairs. Poor akaashi

"Alright! I've gotten all the ingredients you told me to get so let's get started"

Let's just say..the process of baking was something to remember "bokuto-san, no! that's a metal bowl!"

"Bokuto-san, that milk is expired!"

"Bokuto-san, you dont mix the butter using the hand mixer, you have to pressed it down first"

"Bokuto-san, you forgot the shell!"

Yes it was chaos but hey they had a lot of fun "akaashi...i think I accidentally put the temperature too high.."

"Oh my god!"

"Akaashi I forgot to swift it.."

"Oh dear"

"Akaashi, I didn't measure the butter"


After about 2 hours of making cupcakes, they're finally done "now the macaroons.."

If the cupcakes took 2 Hours, how long do you think the macaroons took?

3 whole hours, it was such a thank when bokuto's sister was late because she had to do something at her company

"GAH! Finally done!" Bokuto screamed, "oh my god, akaashi! You were so professional"

"I can't believe I slipped and dropped the flour" yes akaashi slipped due to the wet floor and plus the floor had eggs, but when he fell, he accidentally knocked down a bag of flour

"No problems! We can finish this!" Akaashi didn't had time to changed so he continues with flour all over his body

Bokuto gave akaashi some clothes to changed into and while he does that, bokuto went and cleaned the counter

And also did something

He looks so jsnsksmsjanabs (also Baking for my sistah 😎)

kou😜He looks so jsnsksmsjanabs (also Baking for my sistah 😎)

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Kenken_kozu: the angle bro 💀
Kurooster: I just know for a fact he made a mess
Saltyberry.kei: akaashi is definitely the one doing everything
Kawa_ooru: let's all admit, akaashi is a male wife, baby-girl and husband material

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