chapter 18

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"BOKUTO GET BACK HERE YOU THING!" Kuroo shouted as he ran to the owl head, "IM SORRY!" bokuto spotted a raven haired male and ran to hide behind him

"Akaashi! Save me"

"Hm? From what?"

"KUROO IS TRYING TO KILL ME!" akaashi spotted nobody, he was a bit confused but chose not to question it

"He's gone now, bokuto-san"

"Thanks so much akaashi! You're the best!"

"It's not a problem" bokuto noticed he wasn't eating and he had to do something about that "you're not eating?"

"'s nothing"

"You look so skinny! Bokuto took the male's hand and pulled him to the barbecue grill "come on, at least eat one"

"Alright alright, thank you bokuto-san" akaashi took the stick and ate the piece of meat

"Well? How is it?"

"Tasty, thank you bokuto-san"

"How many times have you said thank you?"

"Maybe too much. Is it a problem?"

"NO! it's just you're so kind!" Akaashi was a bit shy and embarrassed at that, his cheeks were pink but thanks to the dark sky bokuto didn't see

"Wanna go look at the fishes in the pond?"

"Oikawa has a pond?"

"He installed last week! Come on, their so cute!" Bokuto pulled the male again and went to the pond, away from the group. Since the pond had lights, you can see the fishes

"Aren't they adorable!!"

"Mhm, cute"

"Like you" bokuto said, not knowing he said it out loud


"Shit! Did I say it out loud! SORRY!"

"no, no it's fine" akaashi replied, looking down at his feet. Bokuto thought he had upset the boy and was about to apologize but he spoke up before he could have a chance

"Can we feed them?"

"Yeah! Oikawa has some bread! I'm going to go get them!" Bokuto stood up and ran to somewhere, he came back with a container full of bread

He gave it to akaashi and the shorter male threw it into the pond. Let's say bokuto was mesmerized



"What did you score on your math quiz?"

"13/20. It's bad! I know!"

"Not bad, you improved quite a lot! I'm really impressed" akaashi smiled, which made bokuto's skip a beat



"Can I have your number?"

No response..

"Sure" akaashi and bokuto exchanged numbers and the two chatted during the whole party

But bokuto had a thought when he went back home

Should I stop with the letters? But I don't want to! It's basically my specialty, but..I can confess with text

SHOULD I CONTINUE THIS?..fuck it, I'm continuing it!

Short chapter:( I know !

But DW, there's more to come

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