Chapter 19

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Pov: Max

The next day I woke up because of the pain in my body. My legs and arms were still sore, so I still couldn't move.

- Well, at least I can still feel them, but it hurts so much. What time
is it now?

Since my head and neck were still moving, I saw 4:50 on the clock.

- Too early. Should I get some sleep?

The drowsiness disappeared for some reason, so I had to do only one thing...

- Lie down and look at the ceiling. Probably this activity is suitable for talking stones. I wonder how they move at all?

Three hours later, a nurse came into my room.

Nurse: Good morning Max! How do you feel?

Max: ..................... Normal.

- Is this the same nurse who brought me dog food?

Nurse: I'm glad to hear it! And since you're awake, you should eat. I'll bring you breakfast now.

- I think there's something wrong with this nurse. She acts as if nothing terrible has happened to me.

Ten minutes later she returned with a bowl of porridge. Judging by the smell, it is "slightly" burnt.

Nurse: Here you go!

Max: You do understand that I can't move-

Nurse: No bickering with me! Eat what they give you, otherwise
you will have to wait until lunch.

Her voice changed from good-natured to stern. She was acting differently with me now. It's like I have to do what she tells me to do.

- She reminds me of someone...

Max: I'm not going to eat it.

Nurse: What did you say?

She leaned towards me with a threatening expression on her face.

Max: I said I wouldn't eat it. Moreover, my limbs are paralyzed.

Nurse: Do you think I care about that?

Max: Yes. So be kind enough to remove this "mess" from me.

Nurse: Who are you to tell me what to do!?

Max: You are just an ordinary nurse who behaves incorrectly when treating a patient. Please call Dr. Sans.

She smiled at me maliciously.

Nurse: What makes you think I'm going to call him? We can solve this problem very simply.

Max: What are you talking about?

Nurse: I'm saying you should know your place, you fucking hybrid.

Then she was covered in shadow and a dark female figure with a yellow eye stared at me.

Max: Who are you?

????: I am the one who will torment you indefinitely! And until I see your emotions, you will not find any peace HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

Suddenly she took a plate and hit me in the face with it. That's just instead of porridge was...

- Acid!


????: Yes! Shout! I want more! And know that no one will help you! You are my martyr. My slave. My toy. Your soul belongs to me and there's nothing you can do about it! Hahahahahaha

*Comes to his senses*

Max: *Breathing deeply*

- Was it a dream? But I've never had dreams. How is it possible?

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