A small design that I drew.

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(Check out the "Intro" I drew the very white eyes that I wanted from the very beginning. If you don't like it, then I can return the old art.)

(Guys, a convincing request for you: please read Creationtale. It tells about Max's past and his Creator. As soon as I finish writing this, I will return to Strangetale to continue writing this story. And to cheer you up, I decided to make a bonus part. It will be very small and partially related to this story.)

Pov: Player
(The actions take place in his subconscious, as he is out of consciousness due to what happened after the battle between the Error 404 team and the Alpha team. Now he is with Alpha, who is trying to put him on his feet.)

Player: Mmm... Where am I?

There was only darkness around me. But it wasn't emptiness, it was my subconscious.

- Huh? How strange. It's been a long time since I've been so immersed in myself.

Being in my subconscious was a rarity for me, it happened when I was very tired or on the verge of death.

- So I was exhausted. Heck! I almost don't remember anything because of this pain in my body.

The injuries caused by Error still bothered me, especially in my head. But what bothered me most was what happened to the others.

- I hope I didn't hurt anyone. If Error 404 hadn't defeated me, I could have prevented their attack on Max.

Player: I need to get out of here somehow.

I tried to open the portal, but nothing came out. I also tried to pinch or hit myself, but even the pain wouldn't let me get out of here.

- Can someone wake me up?

However, I still didn't know where I was. I wanted to believe that no one had left me there. After all, the last thing I remember is the face of an unknown girl who appeared in front of me. I've never seen anything like this before, especially buggy ones.

- Maybe she's from some AU that I never knew about. Why was she full of glitches? Did Error do this to her?

Thinking about this girl made me forget about the horror that happened, rather on the contrary, I began to think about her more and more.

- Who is she? I don't even know her name, but she didn't seem to want to hurt me. Maybe she saved me and I'm in her room right now?

This thought was more logical, but at the same time awkward. After all, if I'm right at her, then maybe this girl is healing my wounds, which means...

- Oh, my God! If she's doing this right now, then I probably don't have any clothes on!

I covered my face with my hands in embarrassment.

- What am I thinking about!? She's not a bad person, well, judging by her face, eyes, hair, appearance, figure... So that's enough! I need to take my mind off this!

And yet the soul became warmer from such thoughts. Maybe I liked her too much, or maybe I was in love.

- No, it's all nonsense! I'm already an adult, well, almost... Of course I like her, but I should treat her as a friend, not a girlfriend. Hmm... What if she doesn't like me? Then I guess I'm worrying for nothing. Argh! I need to wake up urgently, I want to see her and talk to her!

Meanwhile, I was determined to leave my subconscious, and I decided to try to leave. Really where exactly? After all, there is nothing here except...

Player: Max?

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