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the night came quicker than we had thought. blade was sitting at the desk reading a chemistry textbook while i scrolled through my notebooks full of formulas.

"blade, beta decay of uranium-238" i said to quiz him.

"neptunium-238, that was easy." he mumbled, the sound of page flipping filling the room. "half life of plutonium-239 is 24300 years, if there were 8 grams, how long would it take for the amount to be reduced to 1 gram."

"hm." i shut my eyes to calculate. "72900?"

"yeah." the two of us sat in silence studying for hours on end, until finally, the sound of my stomach rumbling interrupted us. "someone's hungry."

"i havent eaten since we left." i whined. "do you want me to order in?"

"sure, choose whatever." he replied.

"okay, what do you want from the dumpling place near here?" i asked, sitting on the desk next to him, my legs swinging side to side.

"pork bao, or something. i dont really care, ill eat anything." i quickly ordered on ubereats and shut my phone off.

"itll be here in 20." i sighed, leaning slightly onto his textbook. he glared at me, slightly shoving my body away.

"im studying y/n, go away."

"we've been studying for four hours bladie, come on. we never get breaks, you know how our parents are. lets play a game, or something."

"what game?" he replied suspiciously, shutting his book. i grinned and went to sit on the bed.

"truth or dare. for the bed."

"how does that even work? its a non point scoring game."

"we can make it one."


"no one can chicken out on dares, and if they do, the other person gets the bed."

"so, how long will this game go on?" blade perked up, amused.

"as long as it suffices." my lips curled into a smirk.

blade held his hand out, his eyes narrowing. "you're on, y/n."

"winner gets the bed, fair and square." i shook his hand, squeezing it softly.

"come on, lets start."

"this'll be fun, bladie~"

"oh," he smiled, "im sure it will be."

a/n: frhrhhdh

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