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"and it looks like we've finished up quite a bit early, so i dont mind if you all leave early today. make sure to head to the laboratory tomorrow, and not here. that's all." after the lecture, the majority of class stood up to leave. i got up from blade's shoulder, stretching and yawning.

"im gonna help professor lin clean up!" i said, passing the rest of the dumplings to blade. he scoffed as i made my way.

"simp." he muttered, just loud enough for me to hear. i flipped him off and tapped professor lin on the shoulder. he looked up, slightly surprised.

"ah, y/n! any questions from the lecture today?" he asked kindly, slipping off the pair of goggles he wore for demonstration.

"i just wanted to help clean up today! i have extra time so i thought maybe.." pink already began to blossom on my cheeks. shit.

professor lin smiled gratefully. "id love the help, y/n." i turned around to blade.

"you can head out blade, ill see you at rehearsal!" blade rolled his eyes, bringing his hoodie, which i took off midway through the lecture, and setting it on the table beside me.

"dont be late." was all he replied with, walking out of the hall with his bag slumg over his shoulder. professor lin chuckled quietly, his attention now on me.

"you're quite the character y/n, its amusing to watch." i turned my face to hid the never ending blush.

"amusing, professor?" i asked, washing out the graduated cylinders he had used and sticking them in the glassware drawer.

"mhm." he hummed, his shoulder brushing against mine as he opened the hardware drawer. "ah, sorry."

"its okay!" i replied, a little too quickly. "but why do you think that of me?"

"well, most honors kids ive seen are usually uptight, and not exactly exciting. but you're different. its enthralling to see someone like you."

enthralling, enthralling, enthralling. he called me enthralling.

"thank you sir!" i grinned, wiping off the table. "if im being honest, professor, my life wasn't really the best, as an honors student. but i decided just to make the best out of the things that i loved." my mind went immediately to blade after that statement.

"you're a great role model, y/n. no wonder your acadec group placed so well. they had a very capable leader. i admire you, y/n."

"w-wow professor.. thank you." if even possibly, my smile grew wider and my cheeks pinker. he laughed at the sight, taking off his lab coat, rolling up the sleeves of his turtleneck.

"like i said before, im honored to have you in my class. welt has told me much about you." oh no.

"wait, how much has he told you??" i asked frantically, really hoping that—

"he seemed to have mentioned the little crush you had on him. although, i doubt it was really that little."

"noo!" i wailed, my hands over my face, embarrassed. "please dont think less of me professor!"

professor lin laughed. "dont worry, y/n, that alone wont make me think less of you. i doubt anything will. besides," he walked out with me, locking the door to the hall afterwards. "you and blade are clearly meant for each other."

"eh? p-professor, wait up!" he turned around before walking to his car.

"dont forget, laboratory tomorrow. have a wonderful day."

a/n: so professor lin and i are married 

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