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"finally." blade whispered as i took my seat next to him. "you took so fucking long."

"yeah, and because you rushed me, i look like shit." i replied, gesturing to his hoodie that engulfed my entire body. blade rolled his eyes and pulled out the claw clip from my hair.

"you look better without it." he said blandly, turning away and grabbing his books. i felt heat rise to my face and shook my head, cursing under my breath.

"fuck you." i finally said, regaining my composure and turning to the front. students began filing into the lecture hall, taking seats around us.

"nuh uh l/n, watch your language." blade's finger was pressed on my lips, and i swore i saw him blushing. but it was as gone as quickly as it came.

"i hate you, you know." i replied, our professor turning to the front of the class, a small smile on his face.

"hello everyone, welcome to biochemistry I, my name is professor lin. today will mainly be going over the syllabus for this class, along as midterm and final dates. ill be taking questions at the end of class."

for some reason, professor lin reminded me specifically of a certain person i knew. it took me a while before-

"psst, blade. why is professor lin literally mr welt." i whispered, my cheeks growing hot and flushed. blade whipped his head to face me and scrunched his face in disgust.

"oh god... not again." he mumbled back, turning me to face the front again. i looked up at professor lin, who was still busy talking about the syllabus. "pay attention you idiot."

"and just a reminder, my office is always open if you're in need of academic or mental assistance. theres about half an hour left at class, and ill be up here to answer anything you need." professor lin dismissed us with a small smile, standing at the podium still. i stood up immediately, to blade's surprise.

"were you really not paying attention??" he questioned, raising an eyebrow. i rolled my eyes and ignored him, walking up with my syllabus papers. professor lin turned to face me, slipping his glasses back on after cleaning them.

"hello miss." he greeted, soft voice filling my ears. "is there anything specific you needed?"

"a-ah, yes sir.." i responded, pulling out my textbook. "i was looking through the book for some light reading, and i came across something i hadn't seen at all last year.."

"light reading? my my, ive never met someone who reads their university textbook for 'light reading'." he said, amused. "what page is it on..?"

"ah, its unit three. is it true we'll be studying quantum mechanics in a biochem class?" professor lin took a glance and chuckled.

"yes, miss, we will. i know its not taught in some schools around this area, but it will be covered beforehand. and if you're still uncomfortable with it, ill be available to help. with that being said, i must assume you're local to here?"

"yes, professor." i smiled weakly. "i went to AEHS." his eyes flashed with recognition.

"you wouldn't happen to know a welt yang? he's the acadec advisor, and he was a senior at AEHS during my freshman year." i turned around, blade's eyes widening, same as mine.

"i-i do! i was actually in acadec as president!" professor lin's grin grew wider.

"then, i presume, you, my dear, are miss y/n l/n?" my cheeks flushed bright red.

"that i am, sir. and, menacing mean boy back there is blade, from SHA." professor lin waved politely at blade, returning his attention to me.

"yes, of course, ive heard much about both of your accomplishments. it is i, who should be honored to have you in this class. ill be honest, this is my first year teaching, but knowing i have students such as you two, makes me feel more at ease."

"oh.. of course sir!" i said, a little too excitedly. "well, thats basically the only question i had, so ill be on my way.. ill see you tomorrow, professor, for the intro to labs class."

"that you shall, miss y/n. farewell."

i ran back over to blade, who grabbed both our bags, the bento in his hand. "you took your sweet ass time." he grumbled. "ill be eating this whole thing, by the way."

"hey! no fair." i stuck my tongue out, hearing professor lin chuckle as we both argued on the way out.

a/n: guys professor lin is my new fav character tbh..

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