Chapter 8 - Bestie's Know Best!

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I'm look through my phone and see ten text messages from my dad,

Don't forget your vitamins. I packed them. I put enough pills for your trip. The bottles should be empty when you get back.

Don't drink too much, alcohol's not good for the body.
Or drugs. Keep clean!!!! Scouts won't take you.

Don't mess with any girls out there. It would ruin your chances with the colleges and teams if you got a girl pregnant.

Use your manners!!

Blab, blab, blab, I think to myself as I delete each message.

Not one says, "have a great time. Be young and enjoy!" or even "use protection if you meet a hot girl".

I put my phone down on the bed and lay on my back. I look over at the girls. I gaze at Nicole. She's putting her light brown straight hair in a ponytail. I don't admit it to anyone but I honestly get lost in her eyes. I like to see the gleams of light that swim in her blue eyes that sparkle in the light. I smile as I look at Nicole smiling at Chantel as they talk among themselves. I still remember the day I met her. I was blown away but her smile. She was in my seventh grade class and she sat beside Chantel. Her smile caught my attention and eventually her brain. She is smart, kind, fair and can be funny, when she wants to.
I'm happy to be on this trip with her. Away from her parents and boyfriend. Maybe Chantel is right. I should make a move. Get closer to Nicole and see where it takes us. I look at Chantel. She's busy on her phone, again. Does social media really take up that much time??

"Have your parents texted you guys yet?" I hear Rico ask, intruding in my thoughts.

"Yes," Nicole answers first, "checking in to say hi."

"My parents text to say hi too and that they are ordering t-shirts for my instagram giveaways." Chantel adds, "Rico, did you hear from your parents?" 

"Yeah, they sent a message in the afternoon. I just couldn't answer back yet. I'm not sure what to tell them. I'm worried they will start asking too many  questions that I can't answer right now." Rico said, looking down.

"Well, if it makes you feel better, I didn't answer back yet either," Chantel adds, "I'm not sure what to say either."

"What about you Nicole, has your 'man' bothered to text you?" I threw it out there. I really don't care but I'm curious to know if Nicole told him about going to 'Cody's cottage.'

Nicole looks at me, seeming to hesitate to answer, " He did. He said, have fun." 

"That's a surprise," I say, "he usually doesn't want you to have fun with us." I said, looking at Nicole. Nicole looks at me.

"What about you, Chris? Any texts from your parents?" I hear Rico ask.

I take a deep breath as I stretch the stress out of my body, "Yeah my dad."

Rico reacts with a chuckle, "and what did he text you?"

"The same bull shit. Don't live, have no fun and don't forget your vitamins." I tell Rico as I quickly jump up and grab my vitamins and throw them in the trash by the door, "There! Take that dad!" I say as I pace quickly back and forth, around the trash can.

"You want your vitamins back don't you?" Rico says as he watches me.

"Yeah. I'm a growing boy and need my vitamins," I pout, picking the container out of the trash, "But I'm going to drink, and party every night."

"That's it, my brother," Rico cheers, giving me his hand. I clasp his hand with mine as I embrace him in a manly body bump, "That's right! My dad's not here to ruin my summer plans!"

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