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"got some news. i start work tomorrow! well, training, that is. it looks like my work schedule won't interfere with our calls, too! my breaks are at noon just like yours! isn't that perfect?"

"oh...uhm, yeah! yeah, works great."

"so, what are you doing today on your day off, seungie?"

"i'm actually getting picked up in about..fifteen minutes. riki's shift ends early so i'm tagging along with him and his boyfriend to go shopping. i've desperately needed new shoes."

"so you're fine with third-wheeling? just say the word and we can turn it into a double-date kind of thing."

"very funny."

"i wish i had interesting plans. jungwon just left for work and even his day will be more interesting than mine."

"then make your day interesting."

"how do you suggest i do that?"

"get your ass up and go outside?"

"is this your way of subtly inviting me to go shopping with you, seungie?"

"no, it's my way of telling you to touch some grass."

"fine, fine, i'll get up. i'll go outside only because you told me to, seungie."

"you're pretty whipped for me, huh?"

"didn't we establish this, like, day one?"

"fair point. oh, shit. they're here early. got to go."

"have fun shopping. talk soon!"



heeseung followed riki and sunoo around like he was their child. well, it was more like he was being forced around the mall with them against his will. all he wanted to do was get new sneakers, but for some reason sunoo needs to go into every store and riki needs to let him do so.

"i like this shirt," sunoo exclaims, holding it up in front of himself as he admires his reflection in the mirror.

"looks like the other three you liked twenty minutes ago," heeseung grumpily chimes in. "can we please go to the shoe store now?"

riki turns to his cranky best friend. "dude. you realize nobody has stopped you from doing so this whole time, right? we can catch up in a bit."

now that he thinks about, maybe heeseung really was just mindlessly following them the whole time. he forces down his embarrassment before bidding the two a "see you later" and heading to the shoe store.

time wasn't short or anything, but heeseung found himself speed walking as if the store had five minutes til closing. he accidentally bumps into someone's shoulder as he does so, both of them stumbling back from the impact. he refrains from looking the passerby in the eye, muttering a small apology before hurrying into the store.

finally, he can buy a new pair of shoes in peace.


"you're home early," jake notes from the sofa as his younger brother enters the front door.

"yeah, my coworker wanted more hours this week so i gave him the rest of my shift," jungwon explains, joining jake in the living room. he does a quick double take once he realizes jake's attire. "is that a new hat?"

jake smiles. "yeah, decided to go to the mall today. i bought this hat there."

"looks cool."

jake thanks him before rubbing his shoulder, reminiscing. he thinks about the familiar voice of the stranger who apologized to him after a brief encounter at the mall earlier that day. he barely got a glance, only witnessing a deep purple head of hair brush past him. it all happened so fast, but he swore his ears heard correctly.

if it was really him, i can't wait until the day we officially get to meet.

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