第三章 ─ 𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐏𝐓𝐄𝐑 𝟑

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第三章 // 𝗖𝗛. 𝟯 」

"Ruler of Everything."

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"Is there really a need to go to these lengths just to protect that child, Master?" Jiangxue grumbles from the entrance of the clothing store you were shopping through. You simply hum, continuing to inspect and browse through the wide selection of turtlenecks on sale.

"We can't exactly blend into human society with the clothes we have in our possession. We look like we came from the Qing dynasty."

"Which we did!"

Ignoring his reply, you continue. "The clothing we have is too outdated. Besides, isn't it fun to see what humanity has come up with in recent times?" You hold up a pair of heart-shaped sunglasses and grin at him teasingly.

Jiangxue groans.

A couple of purchases and figuring out how to use a credit card later, the both of you walk out of the mall with new outfits on.

Your eyes sweep across the street that was littered with food stalls and overly bright neon signs while Jiangxue continues picking at his shirt, mumbling something about the material being prickly.

The Mortal Realm has changed so much since the last time you've been here. It's almost overwhelming.

You wish you could go back to the old days.

Your train of thoughts was soon interrupted by Jiangxue nudging you with his elbow.

"Master, isn't that the... pig demon and Tripitaka-lookalike from a few days ago?" Your head turns towards the direction Jiangxue is pointing at.

"What could they possibly be doing in front of that stall?" He adds in disbelief.

You squint, narrowing your eyes upon noticing the lady appearing from behind the counter.

"Whatever it is, they're in danger." You say quietly, adjusting the fox mask you're wearing to the side.

"And I guess we're obliged to help?"

A ghost of a smile creeps onto your face upon noticing the spiteful expression his own morphed into.

"That's what we're here for, Xue'er."

With that, you extend a hand expectantly and Jiangxue places an invisibility charm paper into your hand with a roll of his sky blue eyes.

A few minutes pass by. The both of you successfully sneak into the underground spider cave, now invisible.

﹤𝗘𝗗𝗜𝗧𝗜𝗡𝗚﹥𝐀𝐒𝐓𝐑𝐔𝐌﹔lego monkie kidWhere stories live. Discover now