Chapter Five

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When Jimin opened his eyes the oil lamp in the corner of the room was dim, casting an orange glow against everything that it touched, and he felt clammy and warm. It was like he had just woken from a slumber fueled by sickness, and as he brought in some much needed air he coughed haggardly to the point that his entire chest and throat hurt from the action.

What had happened to him?

He wasn't quite sure.

All he knew was that one moment he had been entering some room, his heart had started to hurt, he had fallen and- Jimin paused as he recalled tear filled eyes of a man he had only dreamed of for the last ten years. "You're awake." The voice was familiar and unfamiliar at the same time, and when he groggily turned his head towards the source of it he was surprised to see the face of the captain staring at him. He still did not wear a shirt against his chest, and Jimin had to admit that he looked nice. With his sculpted abdomen and pectorals, small waist that was tapered to perfection and wide shoulders. But as son as the thought crossed his mind he felt guilt. Much like he had any time he had dared look at another and consider them handsome or beautiful. And boy was it hard to deny the fact that the Mere in front of him was gorgeous in all ways. But he had to think of Hoseok.

Hoseok is with them though. And he will expect the same as you. His mind supplied and he gulped. It was best not to think about that for now. "What happened?" His voice was raw and hoarse. It sounded as sorer as it was.

"The magic of your bond nearly killed you." The way he said it was nonchalant, as if it was the most common and mundane thing in the world and not something that could have taken his life just moments – or possibly hours – before. "While you never betrayed the bond, Hoseok unknowingly did." He made to interrupt in order to defend his love, but the Mere shushed him with a wave of his tentacle. So he kept his mouth shut instead as he stared at the captain sitting carelessly in his chair. It was tilted up with two of the legs hanging up in the air as the other two balanced both itself and the Mere on the ground. "I know what you're going to say. I can see it written all over your face. The reality of the situation is this. He has been with us intimately more times than any of us could count." This should hurt, but all it did was make Jimin feel... okay... like, he knew that Hoseok had been taken care of and safe. He couldn't quite put a name on the feeling in his chest other than that. Because while he wasn't jealous or upset, he wasn't happy either. He was indifferent. As if it was just a part of life and he had always suspected even though he never had the proof. "There's only one way to save your life now. Because either way, you won't survive whereas Hoseok will if the other options are laid out on the table. So for his sake, I'm giving you only this choice. Even if you hate me for it later."

Jimin gulped. The intensity in the Mere's eyes was something that he wasn't sure that he liked that much. "What is it?" Still... if it meant that he would be able to be with Hoseok again. He would allow anything to happen to him. He has suffered continuously since that wreck.

What was the harm in a little more?

"I'm going to be honest and point blank with you." The mere settled his chair on the ground and rested his arms on his knees as he clasped his hands together and gave him a no-nonsense look. He had the eyes of someone that would not be questioned. The gaze of authority and power. And as his tentacles swirled around him like coiling snakes, Jimin could only lay there and listen. "You will have to mate with us." This made Jimin's heart in his chest stop as he forgot to breathe. A cold fear of dread falling over him at the thought of having to give himself over willingly to the crew in order to be with his love. He had protected himself this long, and he wanted to only give himself to Hoseok. Much like he had when they had first fallen in love. He didn't want anyone else. "None of us trust you to give you the same gift that Hoseok had foolishly given you as a child, but we can do things another way. It is more clinical and traditional. Rather than romantic. But it would allow for you to successfully overcome the magic trying to rip out your heart."

Jimin closed his eyes. He felt like he was about to cry. And before he realized what was happening the tears started to silently slide down his cheeks. For so long now he had been fighting. Had been bottling everything inside.

He just wanted to be Hoseok.

He didn't want anyone else.

And yet it felt like he was being forced into a situation where he was going to have no choice but to.

It made him feel vulnerable and scared.

But most of all, broken.

Hoseok was finally within his grasps. But the two of them couldn't even be next to each other unless Jimin was willing to allow his heart to explode while being in the Mere's arms. He knew that this could be a trick. That the captain and his crew could be doing all of this in order to punish him or even punish Hoseok. But deep down he knew... he knew that the captain was telling the truth. Jimin had researched for far too long to not know what the other was talking about was reality.

The entire situation was just too much.

"We will not force you." The captains voice was uncharacteristically kind as he spoke. His words soft as he gave Jimin a pitying look. "We love Hoseok. And we want him to be happy. So if it means keeping his soulmate alive, then we are willing to do this. But only if you are willing to as well... Unlike him, none of us have been with a human before and don't particularly want to either. Your kind has been nothing but putrid to ours." Vile rose into his tone at the end and Jimin couldn't help but jump from the sudden change. But as the captain continued to speak, his voice went back to that soft comforting lilt. "Maybe in time we will all love each other. But for now, this is what we have."

Jimin was silent as he thought this over. "Would I be able to have Hoseok by his side if we did this?" The sad look in the captains eyes was answer enough.

"It would be too much of a risk." He shook his head as he said it, and the room felt thick with an emotion that Jimin could only attribute to sadness and fear on both of their sides. "Once everyone has mated with you is when he will be allowed to be beside you. With our bond complete on our side, the damage he had done would no longer affect you. After that, none of us have to ever touch you again if you don't wish it. So do not feel beholden to do so if this is what you choose."

What choice did he really have though?

It was this...

Or death...

"The last person I had been with was Hoseok." He mumbled, his eyes downcast as he admitted this fact. All he had ever known was the touch of the Mere that he loved. "I-"

The captain stopped him. "We will take care of you."

Jimin wanted to believe him. "Okay." He was scared. This wasn't what he wanted. And obviously it wasn't what Hoseok's other mates wanted as well. But they were all doing this for him. So it would be okay. They all loved the same person. And they could get through this.

He just hoped that it didn't hurt like he feared. 

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