Chapter Thirteen

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Looking up at the sound of the door, Taehyung's head swiveled out of reflex and his heart leapt into his throat. A sudden wave of terror that he had never felt before washed over him and without meaning too his breathing became labored when a familiar mop of hair poked its way inside through the corner, followed by a familiar arm mottled in disfiguring brands that never truly healed. The scars looking nearly as black as their blood. "Are you awake?" Jungkook's voice echoed softly throughout the room and he instantly softened. His body slumping forward as his breathing calmed. He wasn't sure how he would have reacted if it had been anyone else but the youngest. And he wasn't even sure that he wanted to be in the same room as their elder lovers just quite yet regardless.

Did they hate him?

"Oh Tae," Before he could let all of the nasty thoughts inside of his head take over him again tentacles that were comforting and warm wrapped around him gently just as hands cupped his cheeks. Jungkook was turning his head this way and that in order to get a good look at the bruise blossoming on Taehyung's neck. And when he glanced into his eyes all he saw was fury that the other often tried to conceal. It had taken a long time for Jungkook to control his temper. His anger something that was volatile and dangerous in the beginning when they had first met. But back then it had been Taehyung that soothed him when ever he would get into his head. Not it seems it was the other way around. "I think I might actually beat his ass." Jungkook's words were flat. Something that made Taehyung's eyes widen comically due to the fact that he knew the younger was completely serious.

"You can't just-" He sputtered, "You can't just beat the crap out of our lover Jungkook!"

All the other did was raise an eyebrow at him as his lips formed a straight line. "And he's not allowed to choke you hard enough to leave a fucking mark either. We have rules in place. And I don't give a shit that he wasn't in his right mind, we are gonna handle this. Either through me giving him a good punch or from talking. And I'm currently leaning towards the punching."

Taehyung shook his head. "Please don't."

A loud yawn sounded off from behind Taehyung suddenly and he stiffened just as Jungkook's turned into his signature dinner plate stare that happened whenever he was caught off guard as they both focused their attention on a waking Jimin. His hair was mussed and his cheeks were pink, the human already looking far healthier than when they had first pulled him from the holding cell. "Oh it's you again?" His voice was surprisingly deeper, an accent lilting his words and Taehyung couldn't help but note that it was similar to Jungkook's own. "Hi." The word almost sounded shy as it came out and begrudgingly in annoyance he had to admit that Jimin was.... cute...

He hated this.

"Hoseok wanted me to tell you both that he loves you." Jungkook suddenly said, breaking the ice in the room, and the look on Jimin's face made him pause. There was something there that he could only decipher as longing, hope, but also pain. "He wishes he could be here... but..."

Jimin lowered his head as Jungkook trailed off and took in what sounded like a watery breath. "I know." His small arms wrapped around himself and he looked just... pitiful... helpless... like a stray little kitten that was abandoned on a street corner by its mother... that Taehyung felt his heart clench for a beat before he pushed it all the way down and forced himself to look away and instead focus on his own feelings.

To say that he was jealous would be an understatement. He didn't want Hoseok to love Jimin still. He didn't want to have to share him with this human. And he for sure still didn't like the fact that this all felt forced and rushed and that everyone else seemed to be on board with things while he felt like he was being kicked out and suffocating. How could Hoseok even still love Jimin after all this time. From what he had told them all they had only spent a summer together. Their pod, however, had been together for years. How was this person equal to them.

Pushing back from Jungkook's hold Taehyung took quick strides towards the door. "I'm going for a walk."

"Tae-" Jungkook called, but it was too late, he was already out of the room.

Now it was just Jimin and Jungkook alone. The two of them staring at each other as they took in what had just happened. "I'm sorry for causing all of this." Jimin suddenly said. It felt like he was apologizing to these mere a lot. "I-"

Jungkook interrupted him. "You shouldn't be sorry. Tae is..." He trailed off. "He's complicated. He loves with all of his heart and soul. Is probably one of the most dedicated lovers out of all of us. Normally I'm the one causing problems by this, but he's not taking the situation well..." Jungkook didn't elaborate but Jimin didn't think that he needed to. It didn't need to be said. "Sometimes in life you have to roll with the punches and while change is hard. Especially unexpected and rapid change. When you live a life like us its something that you have to expect from time to time. Though I must admit, I never thought that you would suddenly come back from the dead." Jungkook chuckled and Jimin relaxed. He didn't mind this mere to much.

"I just wish that I could sit down and talk to Hoseok." He suddenly muttered, the words soft and sad as he scooted a little closer to Jungkook. For some reason he felt really safe with him. Really comfortable. It was like he was being called near him. But perhaps, it was because he was so heartbroken and touch starved that his body automatically was hoping that he would be held similarly to how Taehyung was a moment before. But as soon as he moved close Jungkook was leaping away from him as if he had been burned. A wild look flashing in his innocent eyes.

Neither of them moved as they took in what had just happened and Jungkook was the first to speak. "I know that I need to explain that. But, I'm not ready yet to tell you. Just, please don't come near me to suddenly or touch me." Jimin instantly felt guilty and scooted back to the corner of the bed despite the fact that the mere was now several feet away. "It's just that," He gestured towards his arm and like a lightbulb going off in his head realization flooded over him and he gulped.

"I know what those are." He muttered but didn't state anything else due to the severity of those types of scars. Instead, he paused for a second and collected his thoughts. "I still don't know what the future holds, but would it be better if I told you my actions before I did them?"

Without missing a beat Jungkook nodded. "Actually, I wouldn't mind that." The comfortable silence before settled again between them and slowly the mere sat down again. Though he was still a good distance away. "It's, as weird as it is to say, fine for me to touch humans as long as I have control. But I react badly to being touched without having initiated. It sometimes even affects how I am with the others." He admitted and Jimin nodded. "So while I am open to adding you to our pod and making you one of our mates, it will take time for us." This surprised him but he didn't say anything and instead allowed Jungkook to continue. "I hope that we will be able to get along and build that type of trust. Not just for Hoseok, but for all of us. I don't like the thought of you being with us simply out of obligation. So we will need to court for a time. But that's something we can talk about later." Hesitantly, as if he was afraid and thought that Jimin would bite him if he got too near, he slowly patted Jimin's head before taking his hand back rapidly.

It brought a wide smile to Jimin's face, his eyes turning into small crescent moons.

Perhaps, if Hoseok really did still love him, this could work. 

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⏰ Last updated: May 13 ⏰

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