Chapter Seven

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Jimin felt... conflicted.

He was aroused, painfully so. And a war of emotions were flooding through him because of it. The captain was tempting. More so than he had experienced in a long time. He had devoted all of this time into being faithful to Hoseok. Never wanting to do anything about his arousal or seek the comforts of anyone else do to the promise that he had made to his first love. But now here he was, about to bed a stranger who was part of Hoseok's mates just so that they could be together again.

It should make him feel bitter. To know that Hoseok hadn't waited for him. But he could only feel relief. Which bothered him immensely.

What was wrong with him...

The door to the room that he was in suddenly jiggled and he sat up. Nervous butterflies filled his tummy and he watched as it opened roughly, the door slamming into the wall hard enough to make him jump from where he now sat as he watched an unfamiliar figure walk in. As he clutched the blanket to his chest he eyed the Mere walking in. He recognized him slightly from when he had initially been captured, the other having been the one to find him in his cell and drag him up top with the others. Just like everyone that he had seen so far from the pirate crew this one was just as handsome, possibly more so than anyone that Jimin had ever seen. It was like he was living art. Sculpted by an ancient deity in order to show man what humans could never be. This Mere was ethereal. Unreal. His electric blue shaggy hair was wild and unkempt, messy in a sort of rolled out of bed look that suited him well. And his eyes, they almost seemed to glow as they stared daggers into his very soul. "H-Hello." Jimin stuttered out, not sure what else to say as the other stood there in front of the bed with his arms crossed over his chest and his tentacles spread out in a way behind his back similar to snakes getting ready to strike.

Nothing came out of the others lips for the longest time. Only silence. A type of silence that was thick and suffocating as the Mere sized him up, trying to figure out something that Jimin couldn't understand as he avoided his gaze by instead staring at his lap. "There's nothing special about you from what I can see." The other spoke, his voice deep and thundering. Like smooth chocolate and satin. "Tell me human, why shouldn't I kill you right now and end this farce that the others are trying to subject themselves to." It wasn't so much as a question, more of a statement, as a single knee slotted itself on the bed and the imposing nature of his form seemed to become even worse than before. "You are bringing us nothing but trouble. And Hoseok deserves much better than you. A human." The last part was spoken with so much venom he recoiled. "A worthless piece of filth whose kind has done nothing but hunt and harm ours from the beginning of time. And yet he loves you." Though his voice quieted, the venom was still there as he spoke. His tone implying that he was not happy at all with this situation. "If you love him as much as you speak, as much as you claim to do, then go jump off the ship right now and allow the sea to claim you like it should have a decade ago. He was happy. WE were happy. And now we are being forced to take you on as a mate just to keep your pathetic human existence alive! So just do us all a favor and die!" Both knees were on the bed now and the Mere was looming over him, making Jimin become rigid. He was in a dangerous position. One that he had been in before. And he refused to allow this person to intimidate him like he was trying to do. Even if the things he was saying were starting to ring a little true.

"You don't scare me." His voice was even as he spoke. "And you are free to not mate with me if you want. I would never force any of you. In fact," He let out a bitter sigh even as the other scoffed in disbelief, "I even agree with you. If Hoseok is suffering right now because of me..." Just the thought of it made his heart twinge in pain so powerful he had no choice but to clutch at his chest. "And if you all are as well, then this is something that we need to talk about. Seokj- Your captain made it sound like this was already discussed. It's not like Hoseok was expecting me to be alive still after all of these years. I can understand him moving on. I can respect that even! I will gladly walk away and die if that's what it takes to make him happy!" An almost hysterical laughter bubbled up his throat as he ran a hand through his bangs and blinked away the angry tears dotting his eyes. Hoping that the Mere in front of him wouldn't notice. "And while this is a lot to take in, and its overwhelming, hurting him is the last thing that I want to do. I didn't know that all I had to do to end this was die." This time when he spoke the laughter came out a lot louder and the other looked at him in stunned silence as if he was crazed. In a way. He felt that he was. Up until now he had only been focusing on finding him. Of course he was okay with Hoseok having moved on.

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