Chapter Twelve

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"Do you promise to come back?" The words were said softly, almost hesitant, as heart shaped lips fell into a somber frown. Tentacles that the mere no longer had control of slithered around him and gently brushed against his boyfriend in a way that he feared the other would realize was distress. At the moment, Jimin couldn't look at him. He could only look at the sea. His eyes downcast as he swung his bare feet to and fro on the dock and splashed his toes delicately in the water. The human was small compared to him. And while the other often held himself ten times his size, as if he was bigger than any man to cross his path with a chagrin that was itching for a fight, right now he looked very much the scared kid that he was. The same as him.

Hoseok bit his bottom lip nervously as he waited for Jimin's response, and finally, the human placed his head gently on his shoulder and sighed. "I'm scared my Hope. I don't think I want to go on this voyage anymore."

He gulped down a lump of dread in his throat. "You don't have to go you know." He suggested. But he already knew what the other was going to say.

"I'm all my dad has." The words were rehearsed and familiar. The same ones that his boyfriend had said many times. Each time becoming more and more strained as their relationship progressed. "I can't abandon him. But..." He stroked one of Hoseok's tentacles before lacing his spare hand with his. Their fingers intertwining in a way that made a blush appear on both of their cheeks. "I have a bad feeling."

"Jimin-" He made to interrupt. To plead with him to stay one more time. But the human shook his head.

"I know I should listen to my gut. But, I have to do this. At least this last time. I'll be a man soon." He chuckled a bit at that notion. "So this time, this one last time, I'll go. And I'll talk to my dad and then I'll come back home and we can get married, adopt some children, a mere one and a human one, and maybe get a few cats and dogs with our house near your moms." Just thinking about it made a happy chirp spill from Hoseok's chest. It was everything that he had ever wanted.

A life with his human.

He knew that Jimin was it for him. It didn't matter that they were young. Didn't matter that they had only known each other for a short amount of time and that their relationship was new and technically in the honeymoon phase. They were in love. Hoseok could feel it. And he trusted that Jimin felt the same. That his human was just as madly devoted to him as he was vice versa.

It made the decision that he was weighing on feel even more right as the seconds passed by in comfortable silence. "Jimin," He tipped his humans head towards him by his chin and nervously pressed a clumsy kiss to his plush lips. It still surprised him just how good kissing was. And until his pretty human arrived he had never done anything before, just as he knew that he was Jimin's firsts in everything as well. All they had ever known intimately had been each other. "Will you become my mate?"

Jimin's eyes widened comically at the question before they filled with tears. "Do you mean that?" All he could do was nod and soon he had his boyfriend crying happily in his lap as he kissed him hard enough that their teeth clacked together painfully.

"Is that a yes?" He asked once he finally was able to pull away, the two of them breathless. And Jimin nodded.

"Of course!"

And that was how he ended up giving his boyfriend a piece of his heart. Right then and there, on the dock away from the world with the ocean and the moon as their witness. He had lifted up the flap of scales just above where his organs where and gingerly took off a piece just like his mother had taught him to. It was painful, but as he held it in his finger tips and watched the magic glow around the part of his body as he carefully put it against Jimin's skin just above where the humans heart lay, watching it sink in and becoming one with his body. It was worth it. All of it was worth it. They were one now. Nothing could ever separate them. If one of them were to die then the other would follow soon after, and if by some miracle they did survive then they would live a life filled with pain. They wouldn't be able to cheat unless causing great pain to the other. By all accounts they were one being now. And while that was scary in some ways. Hoseok didn't regret it one bit.

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