Chapter Ten

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Yoongi's hand shook slightly as his knuckles made contact with the door to Namjoon's quarters, being the first mate as well as the largest of their species he needed more space then the rest of them, so if he wasn't squeezing into the mating bed then he would be in there. Often with another of their partners. Sometimes with even more than one. But more than likely with Seokjin.

Though at the moment, he was sitting silently in the calm room so that his instincts died down enough to bring the true him back to the surface. It wasn't often that they had to go into that room. But when one of them could feel their emotions taking over and the more primitive animal part of them slinking forward, drowning out the more – lack of a better word – human part, they locked themselves away till back to normal. Given what just happened. Yoongi felt that it was appropriate to put him there. And just hoped that Namjoon was alone so that they could talk and figure out what they needed to do next.

Luckily for him, when Namjoon called out to him and he timidly pushed open the door, he was alone. Though he wasn't too sure if that was a good thing any longer considering how his reptilian eyes landed on him in an instant and read the worry on Yoongi's face as if he was looking at one of his many books. "What happened?" His words weren't accusatory but were instead gentle and filled with concern. Something that all of them had felt for the last five hours since Jimin had revealed himself to them with his plea. In a matter of a few steps Namjoon was in front of him and cupping his pale cheeks warmly. "Are you alright?"

He nodded, but he knew that it was a lie. Yoongi wasn't sure if he was alright or not. Nor was he sure what he was feeling. But he also didn't want to startle Namjoon given that this situation dealt with Seokjin. While they all loved each other and were as close as mates could be. Those two had been together the longest. There was a bond there that they didn't have due to shared experience and traumas that even to this day they rarely spoke on and kept vague. So he wasn't sure how the other was going to react to his current burden. "We need to talk." He gulped, "Something's happened."

Something flashed in Namjoon's eyes but without complaint or interruption he nodded and then gingerly led the two of them to his bed where he sat down and patted the spot next to him. Motioning for Yoongi to sit down. "Do we need to gather the others?"

Shaking his head, Yoongi sat beside him and squeezed the large warm hand that was offered to him as tentacles started to caress his own. "Not yet, but we will have to before the day is over." Taking a deep breath he decided to just come out and say it. "I had to put Jin in the calm room by force."

"What-" Namjoon's eyes widened into large circles, his pupils dilating as he made to interrupt but Yoongi stopped him with a stray tentacle against his lips.

"Let me finish please." He whispered and a muttered 'okay' fell from Namjoon as he continued. "I'm still unsure of what entirely had happened. I don't have all of the details yet. And I doubt we will have them as soon as we would like. But I had heard a commotion in Hoba's room where Jimin is staying and saw Jin attacking Tae. Joon he..." It was hard to say but he needed to get it out. "He had his hand around his throat hard enough to leave a bruise in the shape of it. I couldn't talk to him. No one could. Jimin had even tried to but he didn't seem to understand and was in some sort of trance that I'd never seen before. He didn't even talk to me when I pulled him away and got him out of the room. I-" He took a stuttering breath as the worry, fear, and panic in his voice became evident, "I've never seen him this way. It's concerning. Terrifying even. Joon-ah he hurt our mate." His voice broke at that as he looked at his knees, unable to look Namjoon in the eyes as everything from his form to his tone became small. "What do we do?"

The look on Namjoon's face was unreadable as he stared at the wall in silence. Yoongi would have been concerned if not for the tentacle still caressing his own and Namjoon's thumb rubbing against the knuckles of his hand that he was now holding protectively. He soaked in the stoic comfort greedily. It wasn't often that he was forced into a more dominant leader like role when it came to their relationship and how to handle things (Yoongi was more submissive than anything else and loved to care for his mates and be taken care fo them before anything else), so having to put himself in that control position earlier had taken a lot our of him. Something that he could feel that Namjoon was thinking about through their bond as he continued to keep silent as he put together his thoughts.

Running a hand down his face, the bigger mere pulled Yoongi into his side to give him a small hug while also respecting his boundaries for personal space. "There's some things that we all need to talk together as a unit." He suddenly said, Namjoon's voice as comforting as it had always been. "It's time to reveal some things that should have been revealed a long time ago. But also, this is not a situation you or I can handle alone. We need everyone."

Yoongi gulped, "Even Hoba? He's going to blame himself, you know how he is... what if-"

Namjoon gave him a look and shook his head. "We can't leave him out of this, even if he spirals. All of this is still fresh and its reopening old wounds. Normally I would want us to wait things out a bit and let emotions calm but given what just happened we don't have that luxury any longer." He pressed a soft kiss to Yoongi's forehead, his dimples nowhere on his face. "It's been one hell of an afternoon, that's for damn sure. So like a family we will handle this together." He paused. "Can you gather everyone? I'm going to check on Taehyung."

"I put him in the infirmary. Originally Jimin had been left in Hoba's room, but when I went to check on Tae he had been in there for some reason." A small smile pulled at Yoongi's lips. "They were cuddled together very cutely. He practically is a giant compared to the little human." It was clear that Namjoon was trying to hold back his reaction, but it was no secret how much that image affected him and he rolled his eyes. "Please keep your dick under control."

"I'm not an animal," He said in pout. "I promise to behave. But," He licked his lips as his eyes rolled to the back of his head and he practically groaned in unreleased arousal. "You can't just spring that on me."

"You and your size kink." Yoongi teased, his tone feeling much lighter after their talk. "As well as human one."

"Oh come on."

They both smiled fondly at each other and in a moment of domestic bliss Yoongi stood up and pressed a tender kiss to his mates lips. "Go check on them. Make sure Tae's okay and I'll gather the others. We can figure everything out from there."

"I love you."

"I love you too." 

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